[Air-L] Using ANT as ethos and method

jeremy hunsinger jhuns at vt.edu
Tue Feb 10 09:15:34 PST 2009

> True.
> Reflexivity in ANT is not about power.
> Thought, I think that with reflexivity they mean that
> you should be able to apply your explanation to sociology itself.
> This is in David Bloor Knowledge and Social Imagery - "strong  
> programme"
That is the strong programme, i agree, which influences the symmetry  
principle of ANT, but ANT expands symmetry, well Callon's version does  
according to the book i mentioned.  The Strong Programme's symmetry is  
less 'apply sociology to oneself' then 'all descriptions must be  
treated equally including the many possible stories of how the  
research was done'  The latter implies the apply to sociology itself,  
i think.
> Power is not a concept for
>> actor-network, it doesn't talk about power, it talks about who  
>> acts, where
>> acting is something that objects can do as much as subjects.    If  
>> you are
>> interested in framing and power, you are doing something other than  
>> ANT.
> False.
> Latour says somewhere that power is not the "cause" of
> actor-netwroking, but the "result" of actor-networking

but it is not in the analysis, it is after the analysis, it is  
conclusions.  Power is, as such, just a description and can be  
described after one does the analysis symmetrically.  It is something  
the researcher may concern oneself with, but only afterwards.  One  
does not look for power 'in' the network or describe it 'in' the  
network, but 'from' the networks.

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