[Air-L] Survey: Social Media and Virtual Worlds in Higher Education

Nishant Shah itsnishant at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 03:36:59 PST 2009

Dear Sarah,
I am going to take the survey in just a brief moment, and hope that the
responses will be of some use to you.
In the meantime, we, at the Centre for Internet and Society, in
collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society (
http://www.cscsarchive.org) are initiating a project on evaluating the role
of informal and incipient social structures of knowledge production and
information sharing, enabled by digital technologies, across a cross-section
of campuses in India. We are doing a part of this project for HASTAC and
some others are being sponsored by various governmental and
semi-governmental agencies.
It would be very useful for us, if we could read up on any reports or
presentations that you might have for your project, to perhaps include it in
our survey section.
Do you have anything published in the area, in journals or even on blogs,
that you might be able to guide is to?
P.S. and now, off to participate in the survey!

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Sarah Robbins <intellagirl at gmail.com>wrote:

> *Apologies for cross posts**
> As part of a series of reports I'm writing about the use of social media
> and
> virtual worlds in higher education I'm conducting a survey of higher ed
> faculty, staff, and administrators. The survey is being sponsored by
> Elsevier (http://www.elsevier.com) who will be publishing the reports.
> I hope you'll all be willing to participate!
> The survey can be found
> here<http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=KuusGmF_2fPO4zEdUnpwjFKA_3d_3d
> >:
> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=KuusGmF_2fPO4zEdUnpwjFKA_3d_3d
> One lucky survey participant will win a Kindle!
> Thanks so much!
> Sarah
> PS: Please feel free to pass the survey link on to anyone you think might
> be
> willing to participate including mailing lists or blog posts!
> Sarah "Intellagirl" Robbins
> PhD Candidate, Ball State University
> Director of Emerging Technologies, Kelley Executive Partners at Indiana
> University
> www.ubernoggin.com
> http://www.intellagirl.com
> Yahoo: Intellagirl
> Skype: Intellagirl
> SecondLife: Intellagirl Tully
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Nishant Shah
Doctoral Candidate, CSCS, Bangalore.
Director (Research), Centre for Internet and Society,( www.cis-india.org )
Asia Awards Fellow, 2008-09
# 00-86-21-66130376

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