[Air-L] new version of the software coffee released

Luca Tateo ltateo at unisa.it
Wed Jan 21 08:10:53 PST 2009

Dear colleagues,

it is a pleasure to announce the new release of CoFFEE software (4.1
version):  "The CoFFEE After".
It is  downloadable at the http://www.coffee-soft.org/  Web site
starting from Jan, 22th,  and at the Sourceforge site:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/coffee-soft/ now!

What's new in version 4.1?

1) New tools
Two more tools have been added:
- Internet Explorer Tool: allows each student to navigate the World Wide
Web through a standard browser. It offers the standard functionalities
of a (private) browser, but also the opportunity for the teacher to
provide a "follow-me" mechanism.
- Document Browser Tool: the Document Browser tool is an HTTP server
that allows the teacher to share documents with the classroom; students
can open the documents and browse the links that are eventually present
in them.

2) Activity indicators
The teacher can now monitor the activity level of the students in real
time. Close to the name of each student there is an icon indicating the
level of partecipation to the discussion   (red = low, green = medium,
blue = high), based on the number of messages sent in his/her group in
the current step. By selecting a student, the teacher can see in details
the number of messages sent in each tool and the percentage of messages
sent in the group.

3) "Fully anonymous" behaviour
In the Chat Tool and the Threaded Discussion Tool the teacher can
activate a "fully anonymous" behaviour: in this case teacher cannot see
the names of the students and the report (PDF/RTF/HTML) does not bring
information about the names of the contributors. The identity is,
however, still present in the traces/logs.

4) Hebrew nationalization
CoFFEE has been (partially) nationalized in Hebrew language, and
(partial) support for right-to-left widgets has been added.

Try and enjoy it!

Luca Tateo
Project LEAD - Department of Education Sciences, University of Salerno 

via Rufoli, 23 Ogliara I-84135 Salerno
mobile +39.392.5178418, +39.347.5423594
office +39.089.962106
ltateo at unisa.it, network.salerno at tiscali.it
Skype ID: luca.tateo

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