[Air-L] Fwd: private/public space & new media

Peter Timusk ptimusk at sympatico.ca
Tue Jun 30 02:44:11 PDT 2009

Begin forwarded message:

> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Peter Timusk <ptimusk at sympatico.ca>
>> Date: June 29, 2009 5:14:18 AM GMT-04:00
>> To: Holly Kruse <holly-kruse at utulsa.edu>
>> Subject: Re: [Air-L] private/public space & new media
>> I have read Thomas' Hacker Culture for a fourth year paper on the  
>> harm of computer crime. (http://www.webpagex.org/LAWS4908.html). It  
>> is not a bad book and involves some Foucault.
>> and would also suggest this below although I have not read it and  
>> it appears to not be about the net per say. Certainly there is the  
>> move to the right and fear taking away our public spaces and the  
>> net is rather public with many of us thinking it is private. I  
>> think Brian Loader has some writings or edited writings on public  
>> space.http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/soci/about/s_load.htm
>> Dimitrakaki  Angela. Private Views: Spaces & Gender In Contemporary  
>> Art From Britain: Liverpool, April 1997 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2001)
>> I just ordered a copy.
>> On 28-Jun-09, at 4:07 PM, Holly Kruse wrote:
>>> As promised, here are the sources people suggested to me in  
>>> response to my
>>> query about research on new technology and public & private  
>>> space.  I've
>>> excluded the ones that were in the bibliography of sources that  
>>> I'm using in
>>> my current book (and/or used in my last one) that I posted to air- 
>>> l a few
>>> days ago.  Several of these I had already looked at and/or have,  
>>> some I was
>>> aware of but hadn't looked at, and some were new to me.  Because I  
>>> mostly
>>> just copied and pasted these from email messages, this list is in no
>>> particular order and uses no format or style.  Apologies for that.
>>> There are several suggestions that I will be looking at as I write  
>>> what is
>>> supposed to be my brief (ha) summary chapter, and in further  
>>> revisions to
>>> the rest of the manuscript.  Thanks so much to everyone!
>>> Holly

Peter Timusk statistical computer programmer
ptimusk at sympatico.ca
address 701-151 Parkdale Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1Y 4V8
Phone 613-729-8328

May all your numbers be quality numbers... even if they are only  
average numbers.

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