[Air-L] Online Deliberation in Politics and Policy: A JITP Mini-Summit - The Autonomous University of Barcelona - Monday November 23, 2009

Stuart Shulman stuart.shulman at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 05:59:15 PDT 2009

Online Deliberation in Politics and Policy: A JITP Mini-Summit

Monday November 23, 2009
The Autonomous University of Barcelona

Featured Speaker: Dr. Alexander Trechsel, Swiss Chair Professor in
Federalism and Democracy
"Attracting parties and voters: Party self-placement and voter profiling in
the EU Profiler project"

Call for Presenters

The Editors of the Journal of Information Technology & Politics (JITP)
invite proposals for workshop presentations on the theme of "Online
Deliberation in Politics and Policy". This 1-day working meeting will
feature 4-6 extended presentations from authors engaged in ongoing research
likely to result in a submission to JITP:


The JITP submission guidelines are online at:


There is no registration fee. To be considered for a presentation
opportunity, please submit a 200-word (maximum) abstract layout the research
agenda and the techniques you are employing. Preference will be given to
researchers with a clear plan to complete research and submit to JITP. The
deadline to propose is October 10, 2009.

Please send abstracts and a link to your home page to:

Dr. Stuart Shulman
Editor, JITP
stu at polsci.umass.edu

Dr. Stuart W. Shulman
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Massachusetts Amherst
200 Hicks Way
Amherst, MA 01003

stu at polsci.umass.edu

Editor, Journal of Information Technology and Politics

Director, QDAP-UMass

Associate Director, National Center for Digital Government

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