[Air-L] ucla on internet conference

Terri Senft tsenft at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 08:15:29 PDT 2009

On the up-side, the views of Duran Duran will be fully represented.


Dr. Theresa M. Senft
Programme Leader, Senior Lecturer, Media Studies
School of Social Sciences, Media and Cultural Studies
University of East London
Docklands Campus
4-6 University Way
London E162RD


On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 4:07 PM, jeremy hunsinger <jhuns at vt.edu> wrote:

> sort of sad that they  have no social,cultural,political, economic, comm,
> media, etc. researchers on the speaker list that i see.   at least we see
> where they think our work fits into the future i guess:(
>> On October 29, 2009, UCLA Engineering will celebrate the 40th anniversary
>> of the Internet with a Symposium that focuses not on the history or even on
>> the technology, but rather on the impact the Internet has had on society,
>> business, communities, lifestyles, culture, etc., and on the likely
>> directions it will take in the future.
>> Forty years ago, a team led by UCLA's Professor Leonard Kleinrock, sent
>> the first message on the ARPANET, which later became the Internet. The
>> Internet has revolutionized communication, education, business and
>> entertainment leading to dramatic changes in our social, political and
>> economic lives.
>> What's next? The event's featured Internet leaders, activists and analysts
>> will offer valuable insights on the opportunities and pitfalls that lie
>> ahead.  Please check the website
>> http://www.engineer.ucla.edu/IA40/index.html for detailed information.
>> During this event, an IEEE Milestone Award will be unveiled by IEEE
>> President John R. Vig.
>> The keynote address will be given by Nicholas Negroponte, Chairman of One
>> Laptop Per Child.
>> Other Featured Speakers include:
>> Arianna Huffington, Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief, The Huffington Post
>> John Taylor, Co-Founder & Bassist, Duran Duran
>> John Perry Barlow, Co-Founder & Vice Chairman, Electronic Frontier
>> Foundation
>> Shiva Shivakumar, Vice President, Google, Inc.
>> Michael Morhaime & Frank Pearce, Co-Founders, Blizzard Entertainment
>> Mark Bregman, Chief Technology Officer, Symantec
>> Thomas Gewecke, President of Digital Distribution, Warner Brothers
>> Regina Dugan, Director, DARPA
>> Gary Bridge,SVP, Cisco
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Best regards,
>> Len
>> -------------------------------------------
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