[Air-L] CFP - The First International Workshop On Collaborative Social Networks

Catherine Dwyer cdwyer at pace.edu
Tue Sep 1 12:46:06 PDT 2009

The First International Workshop On Collaborative Social Networks
- CollaborateSN 2009 - http://www.dicom.uninsubria.it/~barbara.carminati/collaborateSN09

In conjuction with CollaborateCom 2009, http://www.collaboratecom.org/

Crystal City, Washington D.C., USA, November 11-14, 2009

Call for Papers - due September 4th

The widespread adoption of Web 2.0 related technologies has facilitated user collaboration and knowledge sharing. Thanks to these technologies, collaborative communities are today one of the emerging trends in the ICT area. Notable examples of collaborative communities are those in online social networks, where users are able to establish relationships with other users, possibly of different types and for purposes that may concern business, entertainment, religion, dating, etc, and also they are able to enforce information sharing based on these relationships. As such, social networks represent a natural place for collaborative communities. Collaborative tools based on the social networking paradigm, i.e., collaborative social network, are today more and more used not only by single users, but also at the enterprise level to communicate, share information, taking decisions, and doing business. This is in line with the emerging trend known as Enterprise
 2.0 As such, the existence of collaborative social networks that can be used for various reasons creates both interesting opportunities and challenges.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers in various disciplines to explore the effect of social networks on collaborative applications. Our ultimate goal is to foster communication and collaboration across disciplines to enable interdisciplinary approaches for collaborative social networks.

CollaborateSN-2009 will be held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, (CollaborateCom-2009), which is jointly sponsored by IEEE CS, Create-Net, the International Computer Sciences, and Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST).

We solicit unpublished research papers that address various aspects of online social network based collaborative applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    * Models of privacy and security related to collaborative social networks and social networks
    * Social network analysis and mining for collaborative applications
    * Access control models and solutions for collaborative social networks
    * Studies of user needs and behaviors for various collaborate applications in social networks
    * Business models for collaborative social networks
    * Trust and Reputation models in collaborative applications
    * Knowledge-base management in collaborative social networks
    * Interoperability issues in social networks
    * Semantic technologies for collaborative social networks
    * Decentralized architectures for collaborative social networks


Barbara Carminati - University of Insubria, Italy.

Murat Kantarcioglu - University of Texas at Dallas.

Cathy Dwyer, Ph.D.
 Associate Professor, Information Systems
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems  Pace University
Office location: 
CS/IS Faculty Offices 
163 William Street #225 
New York, NY 10038

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