[Air-L] Essential Books

scott at scottmacleod.com scott at scottmacleod.com
Wed Sep 9 14:18:02 PDT 2009

Dear Nancy and AoIR, 

This may be the most useful overview on the list: 

Lister, Martin, Jon Dovey, Seth Giddings, Iain Grant, and Kieran Kelly. 
2009. New Media: A Critical Introduction. New York, NY: Routledge. 


These are important books, theoretically: 

Castells, Manuel, Mireia Fernandez-Ardevol, Jack Linchuan Qiu, and Araba 
Sey. 2006. Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective. 
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press 

Castells, Manuel. 2009. Communication Power. Oxford, England: Oxford 
University Press. 

And the Free and Open books on this http://Webnographers.org list are 
excellent resourcs: http://www.webnographers.org/index.php?title=Books 

They include, but there are probably others: 

Kelty, Christopher M. 2008. Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free 
Software. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 

Zittrain, Jonathan. 2008. The Future of the Internet - And How to Stop It. 
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 

Thomas, Douglas. 2002. Hacker Culture. Minnesota: University of Minnesota 

Hauben, Michael and Ronda Hauben. 1997. Netizens: On the History and Impact 
of Usenet and the Internet. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press. 

Zurawski, Nils. 2000. Virtuelle Ethnizität: Studien zu Identität, Kultur und 
Internet. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang Verlag. 

von Hippel, Eric. 2005. Democratizing Innovation. Cambridge, MA: The MIT 

von Hippel, Eric. 1988. The Sources of Innovation. Oxford, England: Oxford 
University Press. 

Lessig. Lawrence. 2008. Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid 
Economy. Penguin Press HC. 

Raymond, Eric. S. 2000. The Cathedral & the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and 
Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary. (First presented at the Linux 
Kongress in 1997). O'Reilly Media. 

Ito, Mizuko, Sonja Baumer, Matteo Bittanti, danah boyd, Rachel Cody, Becky 
Herr, Heather A. Horst, Patricia G. Lange, Dilan Mahendran, Katynka 
Martinez, C.J. Pascoe, Dan Perkel, Laura Robinson, Christo Sims, and Lisa 
Tripp. 2008. Hanging Out, Messing Around, Geeking Out: Living and Learning 
with New Media. E-Book. 

Ryan Jenny. 2008. The Virtual Campfire: An Ethnography of Online Social 
Networking. E-Book. 

Rheingold, Howard. 1993. The Virtual Community. 

Kluver, Randolph, Nicholas W. Jankowski, Kirsten M. Foot, and Steven M. 
Schneider (eds.). 2007. The Internet and National Elections: A Comparative 
Study of Web Campaigning. London: Routledge. 

China might also be interested in World University & School - 
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com  - like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course 
Ware. There's a lot of opportunity to create a great, open, free University 
and School in China with this. 






Nancy Baym writes: 

> Colleagues -- 
> A graduate student of ours is returning to China where she will be a 
> professor. She has been asked to compile a list of essential books in the 
> area of computer-mediated communication for her university's library to 
> purchase. I gave her some recommendations, but thought I would put the 
> question to you for a broader sweep. 
> What do you think are the books that no self respecting library with an 
> internet studies research collection should be without? 
> Thanks. 
> Nancy
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