[Air-L] IXmaps project

Paterson, Nancy(Academic) npaterson at faculty.ocad.ca
Thu Dec 23 08:11:26 PST 2010

Item for posting:

IXmaps - TrGen

Please consider downloading and running our tracegen program - TrGen - it assists to populate the database for the project. Thanks!

 [http://www.ixmaps.ca] is an interactive tool under development designed to permit internet users to see the route that data packets take across North America. Project goals are to render visible to users interesting aspects of the internet core related to everyday usage, e.g. NSA surveillance, deep packet inspection (DPI), carrier hotel ownership, energy (in)efficiency; so as to counteract the tendency to regard the internet core as an immaterial, virtual, placeless 'cloud', by showing its geographical and physical concreteness and contingency; promote an understanding of the internet core amenable to public policy engagement; develop a research tool for conducting critical internet backbone investigations, and for presenting findings publicly; and enroll others (users, activists, researchers) in building a database of internet sites of interest.
IXmaps is affiliated with The New Transparency Project: Surveillance and Social Sorting project at the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto. The project team consists of Dr. David J. Phillips, Associate Professor and Chair of Doctoral Studies, Faculty of Information and Dr. Andrew Clement, Professor, Faculty of Information and Coordinator, Information Policy Research Program as well as Dr. Nancy Paterson, Associate Professor, Ontario College of Art & Design and post-doctoral fellow, Faculty of Information.

Happy Holidays!

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