[Air-L] Open call for psicologia culturale

Luca Tateo ltateo at unisa.it
Tue Jan 5 02:20:21 PST 2010

Dear friends,
please find attached the open call of the journal "Psicologia
Culturale". You are kindly requested to disseminate it in your
professional network.
best regards and happy new year

Call for paper Journal
Psicologia Culturale. Contesti, sistemi di regole, attività.
Cultural Psychology. Contexts, systems of rules, activity.

Psicologia Culturale means to emphasize the roots of the “cultural 
paradigm”, that are largely originated in philosophic, historic and 
psychological Italian tradition of scholars like Giambattista Vico, 
Cattaneo and Gramsci. Psicologia Culturale also aims at disseminating 
the cultural reflection, namely within Italian psychology, as well as 
being an intellectual laboratory and a meeting place between research 
and theoretical experiences. Besides, taking into account the manifold 
contexts the “cultural perspective” deals with, the journal Psicologia 
Culturale means to provide a scientific reference to its heuristic 
potentialities. The journal will adopt a strong innovative approach and 
an interdisciplinary perspective, according to the scientific 
assumptions and the long research tradition of cultural psychology. The 
Scientific Committee, involving a number of Italian and International 
scholars working in this domain, will ensure the high scientific quality 
of the publications and the vivacity of the intellectual debate. The 
journal will publish mainly in Italian language, but contributions in 
English, French, Spanish and Portuguese will also be accepted.

Main topics

In the spirit of maximum intellectual openness, and coherently with the 
themes of the cultural approach, this journal will publish contributions 
about theories, methods and practices related to the cultural 
psychology. These are some domains whose papers are most welcome:

workplace and organizational studies;
long-life learning;
interaction with the technology in working and learning contexts;
psycho-dynamic and community psychology;
legal psychology;
identity and related constructs;
theoretical and historical development of cultural psychology;
relationships with other psychological, philosophical, sociological and 
anthropological approaches;
studies in multiple cultural contexts;
cognitive and reasoning processes;
affect, social, cognitive assessments in cultural contexts.

Types of contributions

The journal is published (2 issues per year, June and December) by 
Edizioni Firera (www.firera.com). The journal accepts the following 
types of contributions:

theoretical papers: this type of contribution focuses on theoretical, 
methodological and historical aspects of cultural psychology (maximum 
length 70.000 characters with spaces);
research papers: this type of contribution focuses on qualitative or 
quantitative empirical works (including a theoretical frame, method and 
results) which are a relevant contribution for the advancement of 
psychological knowledge (maximum length 70.000 characters with spaces);
target-papers: this type of contribution can focus on theoretical or 
empirical controversial issues of the cultural psychology paradigm. The 
paper will be critically reviewed by two or more scholars, also proposed 
by the author, whose contributions will be published on the same issue 
of the journal (maximum length 50.000 characters with spaces);
short research reports: this type of contribution presents innovative 
on-going research experiences (maximum length 15.000 characters with 
state-of-the-art, books and scientific events reviews: this type of 
papers presents reviews about the state-of-the-art in specific research 
areas (maximum length 25.000 characters with spaces), reviews of 
scientific books or scientific events. The author will provide a short 
and exhaustive report of the text or event reviewed (maximum length 
15.000 characters with spaces).
special issues: the journal accepts proposal for special issues. 
Proposals' author(s) are responsible for collecting contributions (max 5 
articles) and for managing the review and editing process. The special 
issue's proposal will be first submitted to the Scientific Committee for 

Submission guidelines

All submission will be peer reviewed. The submission must fulfil the 
maximum length requirements above mentioned and the APA style norms. 
Submissions must be sent in digital version both to the journal address 
psicologia at unisa.it and to the publisher address 
psicologiaculturale at fireraliuzzo.com. The submission's file in “.doc” or 
“.rtf” format must use the following naming convention <first author 
surname>_<title keyword>_<date> (e.g., “cultural psychology in america” 
by mario rossi sent the 1st January 2009 must be named 
rossi_america_010109.doc). The file content must be organized as follows:
1.title-page including: title, author(s), affiliation, full address, 
e-mail, abstract in English (max 1200 characters with spaces), min. 3 
max. 6 keywords;
2.text and references - Text without any reference to the author(s) that 
should be substituted with XXXXXX. Otherwise, author(s) can opt for a 
non-blind peer review process.
3.figures and images must be included in a new page at the end of the 
paper with the captions within the text.
4.author(s) declaration stating that the publication (also electronic) 
rights and translation rights are transferred to Firera Publisher.

Please format the article as follows:
A4 text page (margins: upper cm 5; lower cm 6,2; left cm 4,6; right cm 
Main title: Times New Roman 12 Bold left alignment;
Paragraphs: Times New Roman 11 Bold left alignment;
Sub-paragraphs: Times New Roman 11 Italic left alignment;
Text: Times New Roman 11 justified alignment;

Antonio Iannaccone (University of Salerno)

Andrea Smorti (University of Florence)

Scientific Committee
Luigi Anolli (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Anna Maria Aiello (University of Rome “Sapienza”)
Pietro Boscolo (University of Padova)
Michel Brossard (University of Bordeaux)
Jerome Bruner (New York School of Law)
Renzo Carli (University of Rome “Sapienza”)
Felice Carugati (University of Bologna)
Margarida César (University of Lisbon)
Michael Cole (University of California, San Diego)
Francesco Paolo Colucci (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Willem Corsaro (Indiana University)
Angela Maria Di Vita (University of Palermo)
Yrio Engstrom (Helsinki University)
Michèle Grossen (University of Lausanne, Svizzera)
Beatrice Ligorio (University of Bari)
Giuseppe Mantovani (University of Padua)
Bruno Mazzara (University of Rome “Sapienza”)
Nathalie Muller MIRZA (University of Neuchâtel)
Clotilde Pontecorvo (University of Rome “Sapienza”)
Alberto Rosa (University of Madrid)
Vitaly V. Rubstov (Moscow State University of Psychology and Pedagogics 
and Psychological Institute Russian Academy of Education)
Sergio Salvatore (University of Salento)
Jaan Valsiner (Clark University)
Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont (University of Neuchâtel, CH)
Roger Säliö (Linköping University)
Andrea Smorti (University of Florence)
Bertrand Troadec (University of Toulouse “Le Mirail”)
Maria Serena Veggetti (University of Rome “Sapienza”)

Editorial staff
Pina Marsico (University of Salerno)
Claudio Longobardi (University of Turin)
Luca Tateo (University of Sassari)
Ruggero Ruggieri (University of Salerno)


Luca Tateo, PhD
Dept. of Economy, Institutions and Society, University of Sassari (Italy)

home address: via Rufoli, 23 Ogliara I-84135 Salerno
mobile +39.392.5178418, +39.347.5423594
office +39.089.962653
fax +39.089.962106
ltateo at unisa.it, network.salerno at tiscali.it
Skype ID: luca.tateo

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