[Air-L] Multiple Social Platform Uses + Web 2.0 and Handicraft + Racialization on the Web

Ostap Bender ostapben at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 06:34:41 PST 2010

Hi everyone,

I am a new member of the list. I am a research assistant at the research
group on ICT uses in Migrations (in Paris, http://ticmigrations.fr/)

I would like to ask you some "bibliographical" questions as regards some of
our projects :

1) The first one (not directly linked to migrations) is a project on social
network dataportability in the framework of which we do a survey on
"multiple social platform uses", the aim being to better know  : how users
manage their presence and friendships on many platforms (SNS, blogs, etc.) ?
how do they "divide" their identity ? How do they migrate from one plateform
to another ? Is dataportability necessary for users (desired ? considered
dangerous ?). We are now looking for papers dealing with these issues
(directly or indirectly). Do you have some suggestions because our
researches are, for the moment, very disappointing ?

2) We are also working on a paper dedicated to the "blogosphere of migrant
embroideresses" in which we deal with the notion of *patchwork* as
"defining" web 2.0 : considering web 2.0 as a form of patchwork/handicraft
(also contributing to the revitalization of "tradition") and rethinking the
idea of "cultural patchwork". Do you know some papers about handicraft (or
patchwork, knit, etc...) and the web  ? (I know some american works, for
example published in "The Journal of Modern Craft" ? But what about
researches in sociology, information & communication sciences ?

Finally, as regards the discussion on this list on race in social media, I
wanted to let you know that we wrote an article on the *ethnicisation *of
love/matrimonial web to be published in the French journal (in French) *
Reseaux* (in an issue on "Connected Migrants : Mobility, Migrations, ICT").
We are also doing now some experiments on "race identifications" on the
french blog plateform Skyrock (used in majority by adolescents and young

Best Regards.

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