[Air-L] Pre-conference workshop: Legal aspects of cyberbullying, May 26th, Antwerp (Belgium)

Van Cleemput Katrien katrien.vancleemput at ua.ac.be
Tue Jan 26 07:40:52 PST 2010

Pre-conference workshop: Legal aspects of cyberbullying, May 26th,
Antwerp (Belgium)


COST action IS0801 is pleased to announce an international workshop on

legal issues regarding cyberbullying amongst youngsters (peer-to-peer
and student-versusauthority).


This workshop will be held on Wednesday May 26th 2010, in Antwerp

It will be followed by the "E-youth: Opportunities and risks"-conference

(http://www.ua.ac.be/eyouth) on May 27th-28th 2010, organized by UCSIA
and the University

of Antwerp.


We welcome a broad audience including researchers, educators, students,
parents, ISPs and

mobile phone companies, law enforcers, policy makers and media
representatives, to 1)

describe the general legislative framework for cyberbullying, 2) share
their concrete

experiences and 3) discuss the desirability of legal actions in the
context of cyberbullying (in

educational settings).


Call for posters

The pre-conference workshop steering group welcomes researchers, legal

experts, police and courts representatives, ISPs and mobile phone
companies to share

their knowledge and experiences with regard to the legal aspects of
cyberbullying in school

settings, during a poster session.


Proposals for posters (in the form of an abstract of max. 350 words) can
be submitted

using the electronic submission form on the pre-conference website



The deadline for submissions is: February 1st, 2010. 

All abstracts will be peer-reviewed. Authors will be notified if their

abstract has been selected or not for poster presentation, along with a
schedule and

guidelines for presentation by March 1st 2010. 


If you do not receive any notification of your abstract's status, please
contact: COST at ua.ac.be

All accepted abstracts will be published on the website of COST action



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