[Air-L] yet another thesis - Reachability

Paterson, Nancy(Academic) npaterson at faculty.ocad.ca
Thu Jan 28 13:57:28 PST 2010

I'm posting abt my recently completed thesis - 'Bandwidth is Political: Reachability in the Public Internet'. Unlike research concerned with bandwidth and traffic growth, this research shifts the risk analysis away from capacity issues, to focus on performance standards for interconnection and data reachability. I argue that risks to data reachability represent the next stage in debates about the health of the global public Internet.

The paper is avail online at my website: http://www.vacuumwoman.com/About/Main/about.html (located at bottom of page)

A related custom software platform that provides dynamic, interactive visualizations of the Internet cloud is being developed by myself and a team from the University of Toronto. This platform, called IXmaps, will allow Internet users to create visualizations (in Google Earth) of the route their data packets take across North America, along with highly detailed information about associated elements such as carrier interconnect ‘hotels’ and NSA eavesdropping points.

This project is located at: www.ixmaps.ca

Please download the custom traceroute program and help us populate our database:  http://www.ixmaps.ca/TrGen/index.html

Thanks & comments are welcome!
Dr Nancy Paterson
Ontario College of Art & Design

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