[Air-L] QUT PhD scholarship in ubiquitous technology for sustainable food culture

Marcus Foth m.foth at qut.edu.au
Sun Jan 31 14:34:32 PST 2010

QUT PhD scholarship in ubiquitous technology for sustainable food  

The Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation (iCi) at  
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) invites applications from  
outstanding IT graduates around the globe for a three-year PhD  
scholarship. The successful applicant will commence their candidature  
at QUT in the 2010 academic year to be part of an international  
research project on designing ubiquitous technologies for sustainable  
food culture.

Titled ‘Eat, Cook, Grow: Ubiquitous Technology for Sustainable Food  
Culture in the City,’ this is an ARC Linkage project jointly funded by  
the Australian Research Council (ARC), Intel People and Practices Lab,  
Queensland Health, Food Connect, City Food Growers, and James Street  
Cooking School.

More information about the project is available at: http://www.urbaninformatics.net/blog/?page_id=670

The stipend is $27,222 per annum, tax exempt for three years  

Applications close on Monday, 15 March 2010.

Full job ad at: http://bit.ly/b61d8i

Assoc. Prof. Marcus Foth
Principal Research Fellow

Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation
Queensland University of Technology (CRICOS No. 00213J)
Victoria Park Rd, Brisbane QLD 4059, Australia
Phone +61 7 313 x88772 - Fax x88238 - Office K506, KG
m.foth at qut.edu.au - http://www.urbaninformatics.net/

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