[Air-L] Reid Cornwell
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Mon Jan 4 10:15:26 PST 2010
This is something I've been wondering; I haven't seen this kind of attack
on someone here, before (and it does read like an attack). I have no stake
in the subject one way or another, but it seems to me that this is a form
of differend which is a bit problematic.
- Alan
On Mon, 4 Jan 2010, Peter Lauritsen wrote:
> Troll or not. Did anybody invite Reid Cornwell to join the discussion, or do
> you consider it to be (ethically) legitimate to discuss, judge and mark a
> named person on a list like this? What would you tell your students?
> - peter
> --
> Peter Lauritsen
> Associate Professor, PhD
> Information and Media Studies
> Aarhus University
> Denmark
> Forum for Overvågningsstudier: http://fos.au.dk
> Center for STS-studier: http://sts.imv.au.dk
> On 1/4/10 6:49 PM, "Bob Rehak" <brehak1 at swarthmore.edu> wrote:
>> I'm a veteran of the troll wars initiated by Reid Cornwell a few years ago on
>> this list. Basically, he began posting prolifically and pissing people off,
>> then turned it around by accusing the list of discrimination -- suggesting in
>> both implicit and explicit ways that one has to hew to a fairly strict code of
>> behavior in order to be considered a legitimate participant here. He
>> frequently fell back on the excuse that he was researching an
>> article-in-progress on trolling.
>> For my money, he's a self-styled fly in the ointment whose guiding purpose and
>> primary emotional reward seemed to be engineering exasperation in others. His
>> rapid disappearance from the list once the conversation moved on seems proof
>> of this. I too have noticed him on Facebook -- he's a friend of Henry
>> Jenkins's -- but this current exchange suggests he has simply shifted tactics,
>> building up a large FB profile with no actual "friend behavior" going on.
>> My advice: ignore him and he'll go away.
>> Bob Rehak
>> Assistant Professor and Chair
>> Film and Media Studies Program
>> Swarthmore College
>> ----- "Gilles Frydman" <gfrydman at acor.org> wrote:
>>> Interesting conversation!
>>> Here is what you can find about Reid Cornwell on
>>> http://www.tcfir.org/education-2008/speakers/Reid_Cornwell/Reid_Cornwell.cfm
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>> A native of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Cornwell dropped out of
>>> Richard Reynolds High School to join the United States Marine Corps.
>>> After completing a GED, he earned bachelor's and master's degrees in
>>> experimental psychology. Cornwell completed a doctorate in
>>> experimental psychology at Oaklands University College, He taught for
>>> three years, at Franciscan University of Steubenville and in the North
>>> Carolina community college system, then joined a national human
>>> resources consulting firm, where he quickly became the corporate
>>> training director. In this capacity, he developed technology-based
>>> training systems that remain a standard in that industry. Based on
>>> that experience, Cornwell founded his own consulting firm to provide
>>> industrial training, change management, and recruiting services. The
>>> firm, which created the first online job service, grew to 25 locations
>>> and was ultimately purchased by a competitor.
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>> Notice that there are no mentions of where he obtained his bachelor's
>>> and master's degrees.
>>> Sounds a bit weird.....
>>> As noted before Oaklands University College is an academic center that
>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>> Gilles Frydman
>>> On Jan 4, 2010, at 10:48 AM, Burcu Bakioglu wrote:
>>>> No, I concur. It is just that when I accept an FB friend requests, I
>>> often
>>>> time look at the background/friends list and put him in an
>>> appropriate
>>>> privacy setting. He was on my limited profile thus far (and I
>>> haven't had
>>>> any spam from him at all) but since I've been forwarded bunch of
>>> links
>>>> regarding him since that first email, I removed him.
>>>> b.
>>>> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Ulla Bunz <ubunz at fsu.edu> wrote:
>>>>> People might want to read Alex Havalais' page on Reid Cornwell.
>>>>> http://alex.halavais.net/dr-w-reid-cornwell
>>>>> He has lots of well-known FB friends? Hm... if you think that makes
>>> him
>>>>> legit, then you should consider the number of replies to this
>>> inquiry just
>>>>> this time around that said something like, "Yeah, I'm his FB friend
>>> too,
>>>>> though I'm not sure why."
>>>>> Make up your own mind but remember what we're teaching our students
>>> - just
>>>>> cause it's online it doesn't mean it's true. And just because it's
>>> popular,
>>>>> it doesn't mean it's high quality (the Google search hierarchy
>>> argument).
>>>>> Ulla
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>>>> --
>>>> Thanks,</burcu>
>>>> Burcu S. Bakioglu, Ph.D.
>>>> http://www.palefirer.com
>>>> http://palefirer.com/blog/
>>>> Skype: PaleFireR
>>>> AIM: PaleFireR
>>>> --
>>>> "Congratulations! You're the first human to fail the Turing test."
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> --
> Peter Lauritsen
> Associate Professor, PhD
> Information and Media Studies
> Aarhus University
> Forum for Overvågningsstudier: http://fos.au.dk
> Center for STS-studier: http://sts.imv.au.dk
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