[Air-L] the case for critical commons

Christian Fuchs christian.fuchs at sbg.ac.at
Fri Jan 22 12:34:50 PST 2010

hi jeremy,

i think we have different perspectives on this video.

you argue that the form/genre of this video is interesting. but this 
form/genre is not specific for the internet, so in my view the 
form/genre does not have a particular interest for internet research. i 
more argue that what is interesting for internet researchers is the 
content because it is about internet politics. and at the content level 
the hitler-analogy is misplaced.

it depends on how you "read" this text. personally i am interested in 
how internet politics is displayed in popular media at the content 
level. the form intracts here with the content level, but we cannot 
ignore discussing the viability of the content level.

in any case, i appreciate that you brought up an interesting topic, 
althoug we view this from completely different angles.

probably another influence here is that my cultural background is the 
german-speaking world, so i tend to view all media content related to 
the nazis with great care. these are important topics, and your cultural 
background plays an important part in how you read such media texts.

best, christian

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