[Air-L] 1. Teaching in Second Life? Writing teachers in SL?

Sue Malta SMalta at groupwise.swin.edu.au
Fri Jun 4 22:49:14 PDT 2010

Just passing on this information which might be helpful.  Although not
his field directly, he may well have some good contacts for you.


Michael Thomas is a professor at Nagoya University of Commerce &
Business in Japan. His research interests are in language learning and
technology and technology and society. 
                      Among his publications are Handbook of Research on
Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning (2009) and Interactive Whiteboards
for Education: Theory, Research and Practice (in press).
and he is the convenor of the: InternationalAssociation of Teachers of
English as a Foreign Language / LearningTechnologiesSIGEvent, A
SimultaneousReal Time and Second LifeSymposium InAssociation with the
see http://wirelessready.nucba.ac.jp/ and Contact:
michael.thomas at gmx.co.uk
Good luck.

Kind regards


PhD Candidate
Department of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences (HASS)
Faculty of Life & Social Sciences
Swinburne University

Sue Malta
Managing Editor
International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society (iJETS)
Swinburne University of Technology
John Street, Hawthorn, VIC 3122
Email: ijets at swin.edu.au
Or: smalta at groupwise.swin.edu.au
>>> Gibrán Rivera 05/06/10 8:09 AM >>>

   Dear Deanya,
  As far as I am concerned, Sheila Webber, (University 
of Sheffield, UK) is involved in some educational issues using Second 
  Have a look at this:
  You may want to contact 
her directly

Gibrán Rivera 
Room 224, Second Floor, Regent Court 
Department of Information Studies
The University of 
211 Portobello Street 
 S1 4DP
gibran.rivera at sheffield.ac.uk
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