[Air-L] Study participation appreciated

Orchard, Lisa J. L.J.Orchard at wlv.ac.uk
Tue May 4 03:06:24 PDT 2010

Hello all,
My name is Lisa Orchard and I am a Psychology PhD Student. I am
currently conducting some research on the topic of personality
differences in Facebook use. Facebook is recently undergoing some
changes in the way it allows users to present themselves in their
information page. From what I can gather, they aim to create more
standardised profiles that can be linked between users in a community
basis. Unfortunately, this impacts on my study in a large way, as one of
the things I am looking for is individualism in profile set-up. I am now
in a race against the clock to get as many participants as possible to
complete my questionnaire study before the official change is made to
all users. If you are a Facebook user, I am asking that you please spare
some time to complete my study. It takes between half hour and an hour
(averaging about 40minutes), as it was never meant to be an online
survey in this manner. I appreciate that this is a lot to ask, but I
hope you acknowledge the urgency in which I need to collect this data.
The study has passed ethical clearance at the University of
Wolverhampton. It can be accessed here:
My research homepage can be found here:
Any questions can be sent personally to me: l.j.orchard at wlv.ac.uk
<mailto:l.j.orchard at wlv.ac.uk> 
or to my Director of Studies: c.fullwood at wlv.ac.uk
<mailto:c.fullwood at wlv.ac.uk> 
Please pass this on to anyone who may be able to help. I have tried to
edit the questionnaire so that all users (including those with the new
updated information pages) will be able to participate. 
Kind Regards,
Lisa Orchard 


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