[Air-L] Final Call for Participation - Group '10

David Gurzick gurzick1 at umbc.edu
Tue May 4 19:06:54 PDT 2010

Final Call for Participation

2010 ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (Group '10)

7-10 November, 2010
Sanibel Island, FL USA


14 May, 2010: Papers and Notes due via submission site
14 May, 2010: Workshops and Panels due, sent directly to co-chairs
28 June, 2010: Notification of Workshops and Panels
28 June, 2010: Doctoral Colloquium materials due, sent directly to co-chairs
19 July, 2010: Notification of Papers and Notes results
30 July, 2010: Poster abstracts due, sent directly to co-chairs

Submission Types:

Paper submissions are invited that report on original research or describe
industrial experiences on any of the conference topics. Research papers
should show the novel aspects of work they present, and their contribution
to the development of systems for supporting groups, organizations or social
networks. Industrial papers should describe technical or key business issues
in applying group technology. Papers will be 10 pages in length.

The aim of the Notes category is to provide a forum to present unpublished
work that does not fit into the traditional long paper format. Notes topics
can present any research relevant to the conference theme. Notes may be
smaller studies, novel pieces of technology, results from the replication or
slight modification of a previously published study or other contributions
that while original may not be as substantial as those found in a full
length paper.  Notes will be 4 pages in length and will be more concise and
focused than long papers. Notes will be reviewed alongside long papers and
expected to be of a similar quality of work despite being a slightly smaller

Technical Systems Submissions for Papers/Notes
This year will also feature a dedicated technical track running across all
submission categories to highlight innovative systems development projects.
This means that the papers will be managed by special technical track
co-chairs. A technical paper may address correctness, performance,
programming, and use of collaborative systems. If it proposes new features
(for the programmer or end-user), then it need not provide a full evaluation
of these features. Scenarios (use cases) illustrating novel features will be
sufficient, though, of course, results of insightful pilot/lab/field studies
of users/programmers will make the paper stronger, even if they are somewhat
negative/inconclusive. The less complex/insightful the system, the more
elaborate is the expected evaluation.

A technical paper must present an implemented system, and describe enough
details of the implementation to allow the readers to reproduce them. It
may, of course, also include unimplemented designs/implications that address
problems/limitations of the implemented system that is the subject of the
paper. It should also include a clear description of the concepts/models
embodied by the system. In addition, as with any research paper, it must
include motivation, and survey of related work in enough detail to bring out
the novelty of the contributions.

Workshops provide an informal and focused environment for the information
exchange and discussion of GROUP related topics. A workshop proposal is up
to 4 pages in length and should contain a title, aim and objective, intended
participants and workshop description. It should also specify the maximum
number of participants, the planned duration (half-day/full-day) and the
audio/visual equipment needed. We encourage diverse and experimental
workshop formats, and we would be happy to discuss your innovative ideas in
advance of the 14 May deadline. Workshops will take place on Sunday November
7th. We look forward to your new ideas about creating spaces for deep and
collaborative discussions.

Panels provide an interactive forum for debating or exploring innovative and
emerging themes in the Group related topics. The best panels assemble a
diverse group of experts with differing points of view on the topic to frame
the argument and incite audience participation. We encourage submissions
featuring either the conventional debate format, or new and innovative
approaches that explore diverse perspectives through non-debate processes --
especially formats that can increase audience participation. A panel
proposal should contain a title, abstract, intended structure, list of
invited panelists including a brief biographical sketch for each. Please
submit a maximum of four pages, using the conference paper format. We look
forward to your new and challenging ideas.

Posters and demos are an opportunity to present late-breaking and
preliminary results, smaller results not suitable for a Paper or a Note
submission, innovative ideas not yet validated through user studies, student
research, and other research best presented in this open format. Posters and
demos will be displayed at a special session in the conference when poster
authors will be available to discuss their work.
More information including the conference organizers and program committee
can be found at: 

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