[Air-L] Inside, Outside, Upside, Down - Privacy and Public presence in the Internet age

MARIA AMPARO LASEN DIAZ alasen at cps.ucm.es
Thu May 6 13:37:17 PDT 2010

Well, people do not always delete IM messages, SMS or emails, specially when they relate to love exchanges, but not only. They keep them re-read them, and sometimes show them to third parties, sharing the content, asking for advice and even doing an interpretive work together.

For more on how the particularities of writing media, such as email, SMS or IM, of being reviewed, replicable and forwarded, make them particularly suited to be shared and then submitted to collective interpretation you can see Myers, Piers (2007): Sexed up intelligence or irresponsible reporting? The interplay of virtual communication and emotion in dispute sensemaking. In: Human Relations, 60, 4; 609-636.

All the best


----- Mensaje original -----
De: Alex Randall <arandal at uvi.edu>
Fecha: Jueves, Mayo 6, 2010 20:05
Asunto: [Air-L] Inside, Outside, Upside, Down - Privacy and Public presence in the Internet age
A: air-l at listserv.aoir.org

> I am working on a paper on the transformation of private and public
> presence in the Internet Age. 
> This began with the observation that a Kindle shows no BOOK 
> COVER and
> what was previously a public statement of what you are reading 
> is not
> private. (Read a magazine on a subway and someone may come up to 
> you and
> ask how you like a certain article - the cover is a public 
> statement of
> your reading choice.)  
> Old fashioned mail - like Love letters - gave historians a paper trail
> to track the inner lives of people, which, indirectly took something
> very private and made it public. On the other hand, IM love notes,
> disappear from view after being read - making them more private 
> that old
> mail in envelopes. Something public has become private. 
> I am seeking other examples of communication in the Internet Age 
> that is
> taking something essentially public and making it private. 
> The cases of things that are private being made public abound, 
> but the
> other side of the equation is fascinating. Despite all the talk 
> of the
> loss of privacy, the fact remains that the internet age has made 
> privatemany formerly public messages. 
> Anyone have other suggestions of examples of public content going
> private?
> Alexander Randall
> Professor of Communication 
> University  of the Virgin Islands 
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Amparo Lasén Dpto Sociología I Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología UCM Campus de Somosaguas Pozuelo de Alarcón 28223 0034913942899 alasen at cps.ucm.es

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