[Air-L] Online communities

Edgar Pacheco Benavente pachecedga at myvuw.ac.nz
Tue May 18 03:19:33 PDT 2010

First of all

Thank you so much for rapid reply to my inquiry and useful information you have provided to me.

My research project is focused on young disable people who experience some form of visual impairment. I will intend to apply Social Networks Analysis and the Community of Practice perspective to understand and explain how democratic identity and political participation could be build through the use of the Internet.
I am based on New Zealand and I have not clear idea yet if my project will also include South America.
I am in the early stage of scoping the literature and preparing mi proposal.
As I said, I will be very grateful if you keep helping me with your kind comments and suggestions.

Edgar Pacheco Benavente
PhD candidate
School of Information Management
Victoria University of Wellington
Easterfield  Building, Level 1 Rm 116,
Kelburn Campus, Wellington, New Zealand
Telephone: 64 4  4635025
Email: edgar.pacheco at vuw.ac.nz<mailto:edgar.pacheco at vuw.ac.nz>
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