[Air-L] Archive, Search, Sort and Analyze Facebook News Feeds - DiscoverText beta is live

Stuart Shulman stuart.shulman at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 04:21:05 PDT 2010

*Archive, Search, Sort and Analyze Facebook News Feeds - DiscoverText beta
is live*

Starting today, you can login to http://discovertext.com using your Facebook
credentials. Once you are in, you can create a project and start archiving
available Facebook News Feeds. Archives can be searched, search results can
go into buckets, and buckets can be converted to data sets to be coded.

We also handle general RSS feeds. Later this week we'll be launching other
API features for capturing twitter feeds. Interesting in collecting and
studying everything with a certain hashtag, or, say, a constellation of
similar hastags? DiscoverText will make this easy to do.

In a nutshell: visit http://discovertext.com, register using the Facebook
Open Graph, and away you go! To see the steps involved, visit the help wiki



Dr. Stuart W. Shulman
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Massachusetts Amherst
200 Hicks Way
Amherst, MA 01003

stu at polsci.umass.edu

Editor, Journal of Information Technology and Politics

Director, QDAP-UMass

Associate Director, National Center for Digital Government

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