[Air-L] OII/iCS symposium cfp

Brian Loader bl506 at york.ac.uk
Mon Nov 1 05:55:43 PDT 2010

We hope many of you will be interested in the Call for Papers for the 2011
iCS symposium which will be hosted by Oxford Internet Institute 21-24
September 2011. Entitled 'A Decade of Internet Time' full details can be
found at 


Keynote Speakers include
Manuel Castells
Vint Cerf (provisional acceptance)
Andrew Graham
Laura DeNardis
Eszter Hargittai
Lisa Nakamura
Barry Wellman

Key Dates:
Submission of Abstracts 8 December 2010
Notification of Acceptance 21 December 2010 

Brian D. Loader
Information, Communication & Society,
Deparment of Sociology,
Wentworth College,
University of York,
York YO10 5DD
Email brian.loader at york.ac.uk
Tel: +44(0) 1904 432639
Fax: +44(0) 1904 433043

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February 2010

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