[Air-L] Post-aoir conference gathering at Gothia Towers

Monica Murero murero.monica at gmail.com
Sat Oct 23 07:41:07 PDT 2010

Dear aoir's smart people, 
 gather at the Gothia Tower Hotel before and (some) after dinner. We'll be at the 23rd floor, and when it becomes too crowded we'll move at the round floor at the "Incontro" Italian restaurant/live music place - come and join us (also via tweeter #ir11)


Monica Murero , Ph.D.
AoIR Exec, 2003-2009; AoIR Treasurer, 2005-2009
AoIR Lifetime Member
Director E-Life International Institute
Associate Professor in Politics of e-Government
and in Sociology of New Technology
University Federico II, Italy
Consultant, World Health Organization

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