[Air-L] IRB and blogs

Lois Scheidt lscheidt at indiana.edu
Sun Oct 17 22:18:13 PDT 2010

You have two very accessible options. First, prepare a lit review that
examines how the problem has been handled by other researchers. Second, your
IRB submission was reviewed by full committee give them the lit review and
ask them if you can present your case to them. IRB's like every other group
of people tend to take a conservative route when presented with something
new to them...show them that the issue is not totally new, that others have
decided it differently, and then be willing to answer their questions...that
will go along way.


On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 7:44 PM, Johnson, Thomas J <
tom.johnson at austin.utexas.edu> wrote:

> A master's student I am working with was told by the Human Subjects
> Committee that in doing a textual analysis of indie music blogs that she
> could not list the name of the blog but had to use pseudonyms.  Has any
> heard of this before? They are public sites after all and their content is
> easily searchable.  If you were coding newspapers you wouldn't need to
> identify them as newspaper A or B.  I think it is crazy, but wanted to hear
> what you think.
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Lois Ann Scheidt
Doctoral Candidate - School of Library and Information Science, Indiana
University, Bloomington IN USA
Webpage:  http://www.loisscheidt.com
CV:  http://www.loisscheidt.com/cv.html
Blog:  http://www.professional-lurker.com

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