[Air-L] Participate: new study from iScience lab

Ulf-Dietrich Reips u.reips at ikerbasque.org
Fri Oct 29 03:09:57 PDT 2010

Dear colleague:

I am a researcher in the iScience Group at 
Universidad de Deusto, Spain. We are currently 
conducting a study that might be of interest to 
you. Please use the following link to participate:


Please also consider posting this link on your Facebook page or on Twitter etc.

Thank you for your consideration,
iScience Research Team

Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Ph.D., habil.
	Ikerbasque Research Professor     
	Departamento de Psicología
	Universidad de Deusto
	Apartado 1, 48080 Bilbao, España

Tel. & Fax: +34 944 139 085

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