[Air-L] Affective Fabrics of Digital Cultures: podcasts and presentations are now available to view

Adi Kuntsman adi_kuntsman at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 28 03:15:16 PDT 2010

Dear colleagues,

'Affective Fabrics of Digital Cultures: Feelings, Technologies, Politics' is a 
two day international conference that took place in Manchester, UK in June this 
year. We now have podcasts of all the plenary sessions, as well as texts of most 
presentations. Please visit the conference website to view/read/download/get 
inspired :)



Dr. Adi Kuntsman 
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow 
Research Institute for Cosmopolitan Cultures 
The University of Manchester 
Second Floor, Arthur Lewis Building, room 2.007 
Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK 


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