[Air-L] Mobile Digital Interactive Storytelling 2nd cfp - New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia

Cunliffe D J (AT) djcunlif at glam.ac.uk
Wed Sep 1 01:37:41 PDT 2010

Mobile Digital Interactive Storytelling
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia Special Issue

Call for Papers

Until recently a location's memory could mainly be accessed through media surrogates, such as books, drawings, film or audio files, or through face-to-face encounters with people who were able to knit people into the rich but hidden experience fabric of a place. The integration of low-cost pervasive and personal technology in the form of mobile devices and augmented reality into our everyday life starts to change our expectations about how to perceive the world around us. We are now able to leave traces of our emotional or intellectual experience as virtual attachments to any location. As a result we expect that any place, indoors or outdoors, reveals itself to us by confronting us with connection, context, and uncommon perspectives. Yet, any exploration is in itself an experience and so we desire that the revelation is compelling and enjoyable on an individual and group level. We expect to experience the world around us as a continuous, flexible, and networked exchange of ideas that are routed in where and who we are and how these intrinsic facets of our experience are connected to those of others.

For this special issue we solicit novel papers describing approaches in digital storytelling that address the challenges posed by real world environments experienced through mobile devices. We look for work solutions for redefining our understanding of narrative structure and theory through interactivity in computer-generated story worlds that are tightly interwoven with the places we visit, the objects we touch, and the people we meet. Emphasis will be given to work that seamlessly integrate computerised story telling with real world experiences, including but not limited to:

*	Real-time techniques for interactive storytelling
*	Story generation and plot management engines for mobile environments
*	Interactive digital storytelling: theories, methods, and concepts applied to real world environments
*	Emotion design for storytelling
*	Educational digital storytelling
*	Experience design for interactive storytelling 
*	Mobile urban drama 
*	Novel narrative forms inspired by new technology
*	Storytelling and augmented reality
*	Collaborative environments for interactive storytelling
*	Interactive storytelling and gaming
*	Interactive and pro-active authoring environments
*	Evaluation and user experience reports of interactive storytelling applications

Papers should be not longer than 7000 words including references and should follow the NHRM author instructions. Authors should submit their papers online via the New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia Manuscript Central site: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tham.

Important dates  
September 10, 2010 Paper submission deadline 
November 8, 2010 Authors notification
December 14, 2010 Final copy due      
Summer 2011 Publication

Guest Editors
Frank Nack, ILPS, University of Amsterdam, nack at uva.nl
Annika Waern, Interaction Laboratory,  SICS, annika at sics.se

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