[Air-L] ethics of new or emerging media

Michael Zimmer zimmerm at uwm.edu
Mon Aug 8 19:12:14 PDT 2011

Charles Ess's "Digital Media Ethics" is a good starting point, and provides an easily-digestible analysis of both the ethical frameworks, and how they play out in current new media technologies.

And I've used Tavani's "Ethics and Technology: Controversies, Questions, and Strategies for Ethical Computing" for my general information technology ethics class, but that isn't focused on only new media (depending on how you are defining that).


Michael Zimmer, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Information Studies
Co-Director, Center for Information Policy Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
e: zimmerm at uwm.edu
w: www.michaelzimmer.org

On Aug 8, 2011, at 8:25 PM, Tery G wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm thinking of introducing an Ethics of New Media course next spring, and
> am wondering if anyone has suggestions for a text. This would be for
> sophomore-senior undergraduates.
> I've read Ethics of Emerging Media, and while I appreciate the text, it's
> beyond the level of my students.
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Tery Griffin
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