[Air-L] ethics of new or emerging media

Janet Salmons, Ph.D. jesalmons at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 15:38:25 PDT 2011


Pardon the self-promotion, but since you asked I will tell you about *Online
Interviews in Real Time*, available from Sage and your favorite bookseller.
See: http://tinyurl.com/einterview (Kindle and CourseSmart versions
available this fall.) This book explores the use of synchronous new media
and communications tools for research interviews. One chapter focuses on
Ethical Online Research, and there are "ethics tips" throughout all of the

On the "Study Site" (http://www.sagepub.com/salmonsstudy/) you can find
additional materials or request a Blackboard/WebCT cartridge. I also created
sample syllabi-- you could choose some unit/assignment ideas that fit your
course. ((Download at:

Ethical issues and dilemmas offer a lot of food for thought in our
ever-changing world. Whether this book fits or not, I wish you the best.

Kind regards,
Janet Salmons

*Janet Salmons Ph.D.*
*Capella University School of Business and Technology and Vision2Lead, Inc.
*Site- http://www.vision2lead.com
Follow Twitter at /einterview
jsalmons at vision2lead.com

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