[Air-L] Missouri Outlaws Student-Teacher Facebook Friendship

Tatyana Lockot tatyana.lockot at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 06:28:44 PDT 2011

What I'm also wondering is how this will influence the teaching process. If,
say, I teach some sort of new media/online journalism class, how can I
connect with students without using the tools that I teach to them in class?
How can I share useful links? I realize this is more on a college/university
level, but still.

It is also interesting, and I'm with Seda here, how they will enforce the
law? Check everyone's friendslists? Seriously? How can the lawmakers control
such a huge number of online accounts? Or do they simply plan to make the
schools responsible for monitoring the friendships?

On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Seda Guerses <sguerses at esat.kuleuven.be>wrote:

> i am wondering if the following article about a new new law in missouri is
> sign of a trend in the us or an exception?
> it also seems that in the law, the lawmakers in missouri have introduced
> types of communication that will be allowed and others that will not be,
> which is based on conceptions of what is public and private. in any case,
> its implications at first sight seem quite grave. it also raises questions
> about how the law will be enforced?
> s.
> Missouri Outlaws Student-Teacher Facebook Friendship
> A law signed into law last month in Missouri is making waves nationally,
> this week. A small part of the wide-ranging SB54, makes it illegal for
> teachers to be "friends" with students on any social networking site that
> allows private communication.
> That means teachers and students can't be friends on Facebook or can't
> follow each other on Twitter for example.
> http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/08/03/138932276/missouri-outlaws-student-teacher-facebook-friendship?sc=fb&cc=fp
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Tetyana Lokot

Doctoral student in MassComm
Head of New Media Sequence
Mohyla School of Journalism
National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
8/5, Volos`ka Str., building 4, office 404,
Kyiv, Ukraine, 04070
mob: +380506611020

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