[Air-L] Citing inactive websites

Philippa Smith philippa.smith at aut.ac.nz
Wed Aug 24 21:12:41 PDT 2011

Hi Debbie,

Just as another aside - I've had a number of political speeches and
documents that I have cited in my PhD but with a change of Government in
the last few years -  these have since become unavailable on the
original URLs.  However, I've managed to find some of them on other
sites - so depending on whether you are wishing to locate web pages or
specific texts -  you might be able to google  the text and  locate it
elsewhere.  I've also used screenshots which is worth doing at the time
because so many of my texts for analysis have disappeared or been placed
in another location.  This is particularly iimportant if images and the
look of a web page is important for your analysis.

Hope that helps.



Philippa Smith 
PhD Candidate
Institute of Culture, Discourse & Communication
AUT University

>>> William Huber <whuber at ucsd.edu> 08/25/11 2:26 PM >>>
An imperfect solution is to use GMU's Zotero to manage your
and to create a snapshot for each web page you cite. Then, at least
always have an archive of the page as you saw it, even if it becomes
unavailable later.

William Huber
Researcher, Software Studies Initiative @ Calit2
Doctoral candidate, Ph.D. Program in Art & Media History
Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 7:18 PM, Alejandro Tortolini
<alemtor at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Debbie, do you have the date you visited each site? I ask it
because as
> far as I know it́s a common practice to cite this way:
> Visited xx/xx/xxxx"
> by the way, I think the lost of sites is a very interesting issue.
> Best,
> Alejandro Tortolini
> Scitech journalist - Teacher
> Buenos Aires, Argentina
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