[Air-L] Faculty Opening - Associate/Full Professor of Communication, Texas A&M University

Heidi Campbell hcampbe1 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Aug 31 11:26:32 PDT 2011

The Department of Communication
at TAMU invites applications for a tenured position at the Associate or Full Professor
level in Civic Dialogue and Leadership starting September 1, 2012.  All methodological and theoretical
orientations are acceptable so long as the scholarship focuses on the
interrelationships among civic discourse, leadership, and democratic practice.  Possible areas of expertise include: political
communication and the interrelationships of democratic government, elections,
and new media; argumentation and advocacy in the public sphere; social
movements; public dialogue, public deliberation, and participatory democracy;
public discourse and conflict management; intergroup dialogues regarding
diversity, ethnicity, race, and gender; difference, dialogue, and
multiculturalism, organizational communication and workplace representation;
formal and informal leadership practices and workplace democracy; corporate
social responsibility; communication technologies, web 2.0, and political
campaigns; the role of new media technologies in civic and/or political
dialogues; and community dialogues around health.  
To receive fullest consideration, applicants should apply by November 1, 2011, but applications
will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.  Interested candidates should mail a letter of
application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference to J. Kevin Barge (kbarge at tamu.edu).   Chair of Committee, Department of Communication,
4234 TAMU, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4234. Phone: (979)
845-5500; FAX: (979) 845-6594 (emailed applications will not be accepted).
The department offers the PhD, MA, and BA degrees. It has 21
tenure-track faculty members, 60 graduate students, and 1000 undergraduate
majors.  Further information regarding
the department is available at:  http://comm.tamu.edu.  Texas A&M is the fourth largest university
in the United States. The student body includes 23% African
American, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander, and American Indian or Alaskan
Native students and over 4300 international students from 126 countries.
It ranks among the highest nationally in number of national merit scholars,
total research expenditures, and total endowment funds. Texas A&M
University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, is deeply
committed to diversity, and responds to the needs of dual-career couples.

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