[Air-L] Call for Papers of the Emerging Scholars Network Section of the IAMCR, for Durban 2012

Francesca Musiani francesca.musiani at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 03:26:53 PST 2011

Dear colleagues,

Please find below the* Call for Papers *of the Emerging Scholars Network
Section of the IAMCR for the 2012 Durban conference. Apologies for some
inevitable cross-posting!

Best regards,

Francesca Musiani

ESN-IAMCR communications coordinator




*International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)*

*DURBAN 2012*


The Emerging Scholars Network (ESN) invites you to participate in the 2012
International Congress of the IAMCR to be held on July 15-19, 2012 at the
Howard College Campus of the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) in Durban,
South Africa. This year’s theme is *South North Conversations*. We call for
general academic papers in Communication and Media Studies as well as
papers addressing the concrete conference theme.

Diverging from traditional world systems implications, this theme reflects
the asymmetry of global communication flows, without suggesting the
negatives that usually accompany discussions of the 'digital divide' within
the context of the “global south.” The term ‘global south’ refers to
countries, territories and communities that have been excluded from the
mainstream of economic, social and communication development. In much of
the discourse around global geo-politics, these countries and communities
are still regarded as the recipients of economic and technical largesse
from more developed sources. It is the theme of this conference to
interrogate this assumption, and to emphasize the *communicative empowerment
* and *the positive potential of media and communication in and from the
‘Global South’*.  For more information on this year’s conference theme
please see the general call for papers.

The ESN is a section dedicated to the work and careers of emerging scholars
in the field of media and communication. Hence, we especially look for
works in progress from graduate students and new university
instructors/professors who are interested in substantial feedback and
comments intended to advance their projects.

The ESN organizes emerging scholar panels and joint panels with other
sections. Our emerging scholar panels provide a comfortable environment for
the presentation of theses and works in progress, where emerging scholars
can receive feedback from colleagues also at the beginning of their careers
and from senior scholars who act as respondents to individual papers. The
joint panels with other sections allow for the exchange of ideas with
senior scholars in the field and networking. Should there be enough
submissions we are planning to co-sponsor panels together with the
following IAMCR Sections and Working Groups: Law Section; Gender and
Communication Section; Political Communication Section; Health,
Communication and Change Working Group; and the Task Force on Media

In line with the purpose of our section, the ESN also organizes panels
about issues affecting emerging scholars, such as:

-          Publishing research results;

-          Mentoring and the Student-mentor relationship;

-          Academic work and academic jobs;

-          Neoliberalism in the academy;

-          Language barriers in academia.

Scholars who wish to organize or contribute to an issue-related panel are
welcome to contact Sara Bannerman at Sara.Bannerman [at]
gmail.com<Sara.Bannerman at gmail.com>and Stefania Milan at
[at] eui.eu <stefania.milan at eui.eu>.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 14, 2012. *Please note
that this deadline will not be extended.
The OCS system at http://iamcr-ocs.org will open on December 1, 2012, and
will close on February 14, 2012.
*Decisions on acceptance *of abstracts will be communicated to individual
applicants by their Section or Working Group Head* no later than March 12,
On the same day, *March 12, 2012, conference registration will open* for
bookings by participants*.*

For those whose abstracts are accepted, *full conference papers* are to be
submitted via the IAMCR OCS *by June 10, 2012*.

-          Questions may be addressed to the section co-chairs, Stefania
Milan stefania.milan at eui.eu and Sara Bannerman at Sara.Bannerman at gmail.com.

-          Submissions must include author name(s), affiliation, address,
e-mail address, and paper title.

-          If you are submitting a work in progress, we welcome your
submission! Please state that it is a work in progress in your abstract.

-          Abstracts should be 250-300 words.

Please also take a look at our suggestions on how to write an abstract:

* *

*New ! Special Call ESN in Spanish / ESN Hispanohablante*

El grupo de estudios ESN Hispanohablante y Comunicación Latinoamericana
abre una convocatoria para presentar trabajos en idioma español en la
Conferencia IAMCR 2012. Para el grupo ESN Hispanohablante y Comunicación
Latinoamericana es especialmente pertinente el tema de la conferencia en
Durban, “Conversaciones Norte-Sur”, que vincula los problemas sociales, las
propuestas de desarrollo sostenible, y los contextos interculturales de
América Latina con varias perspectivas de comunicación ciudadana, estudios
de recepción, comunicación para el desarrollo y metodologías participativas
de la comunicación.

Invitamos investigadores emergentes a presentar propuestas de ponencia en
idioma español y con un enfoque latinoamericano de la comunicación, que
pone énfasis en comunicaciones y contextos socioculturales diferentes;
reflexiona en lo intercultural e interdisciplinar, adecuando
epistemologías, definiciones y metodologías de la comunicación a la
realidad social. Los planteamientos de la comunicación en América Latina
incluyen la diversidad de sujetos múltiples, negociando identidades y
significados ante la modernidad y procesos de urbanización, mestizaje
sociocultural, nuevas narrativas, medios, lugares y espacios de la

 Para dudas o preguntas antes de enviar la propuesta, se puede escribir a
Franklin Cornejo (fcu_75 at yahoo.com) coordinador de ESN-Hispanohablante y
Comunicación Latinoamericana  y a la coordinadora de comunicación de ESN
Francesca Musiani
(francesca.musiani at gmail.com)<francesca.musiani at mines-paristech.fr>


- Please take a look at our website
- Join the ESN Facebook group (
- Or subscribe to the ESN listserv (

Francesca Musiani

Ingénieur de recherche ARMINES
Doctorante, Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation (associé au CNRS, UMR7185)
MINES ParisTech
60, Boulevard Saint Michel
75272 PARIS Cedex 06 France

33 (0)1 40 51 92 77
33 (0)6 45 31 90 53
francesca.musiani at mines-paristech.fr

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