[Air-L] Digital Divide and Social Media: Connectivity Doesn’t End the Digital Divide, Skills Do #SciAm_blogs

Danica Radovanovic danica.radovanovic at gmail.com
Sat Dec 17 03:06:14 PST 2011

An article which may be of interest from The Scientific American this week.

I wrote a blog post about digital inequalities and social
media,  discussing "new digital divides"

Also, an interesting response to my text:

I have received enormous amounts of feedback to my article and wrote few
thoughts about it on my blog (www.danicar.org).

I hope in the future publications and conferences there will be more
discussion on the issues I've addressed in the text.

Wishing everyone the very best for the holidays!


Danica Radovanovic
Doctoral candidate in Communication studies
University of Belgrade
PhD Chevening Scholar, Oxford Internet Institute
Keble college, University of Oxford
web: serendipities <http://www.danicar.org/> | twitter
 | skype zmajche

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