[Air-L] ISOC Statement on Egypt?s Internet shutdown

Seda Guerses sguerses at esat.kuleuven.be
Tue Feb 1 02:13:28 PST 2011

i believe that part of the problem is how the sm's relationship to the uprising in egypt is framed within the greater discourse of what is currently happening in north africa .

Here is an excerpt from another blogger:

A Guide: How Not To Say Stupid Stuff About Egypt
" “The Twitter Revolution”. No, this is the Revolution of the Egyptian people.  Egyptians resisted for decades.  They were tortured, jailed and repressed by the Mubarak and Sadat regimes.  Twitter and Facebook are tools.  They did not stand in front of the water canons, or go to jail for all these years to get the credit.  There were demonstrations all summer long and for a several years through out Egypt but they are rarely covered, because we are worried about what Sarah Palin said, or some moronic Imam saying something stupid.  Does it sound a bit arrogant to take credit for a people’s struggle?"

in the context of the rest of the points mentioned (http://sarthanapalos.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/a-guide-how-not-to-say-stupid-stuff-about-egypt/) , i hope that some of the main elements of the dominant discourse on egypt and how it is insulting to many involved becomes apparent.

i by the way love the coincidence that this thread is parallel to the one on "subaltern counter publics". :)

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