[Air-L] Schedule for MEA Convention June 23-26, 2011 University of Alberta, Canada
Janet Sternberg
janet.sternberg at nyu.edu
Fri Jun 17 07:30:29 PDT 2011
Convention Schedule
Media Ecology Association
Twelfth Annual Convention
June 23-26, 2011
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
The theme of this year's Convention is "Space, Place, and the McLuhan
Legacy." The theme reflects the University of Alberta's celebrations in
2011 of the birth of the influential scholar and public figure Marshall
McLuhan in Edmonton, Canada, on July 21, 1911.
To register: please go to http://mea2011.oorg/registration/
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Registration 8:30 am - 4 pm
Session 1: 9 am - 10:15 am
1A. Media and Place
TEL 236
Moderator: Mary Beckie (University of Alberta)
Keith N. Hampton, University of Pennsylvania. Pervasive Awareness and
Network Diversity: How New Media Reinforces Place-Based Social Relationships
Ernane Rabelo, Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Information Behavior and
News Evocation: The Case of Mass Communication Students
Antonio Almeida, University of São Paulo, and Juliana de Oliveira
Vicentini, University of São Paulo. The Globo Reporter Discourse about
the Amazonian Drought
1B. Media and the City
TEL 238
Moderator: Andre Lucena (University of Alberta)
Jack Barwind, Metropolitan State College of Denver. Civility: An
Argument for Media Literacy
Helia Fillipe Saraiva, Instalações Eléctricas Industriais. Porto Is
Alive: Media and Creativity in the City of Porto Landscape
Russell Stockard, California Lutheran University. Media Event Sequels:
Katrina, Race, History, and Memory
1C. Gaming, Storytelling, and Environments
TEL 217
Moderator: Adriana Braga (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de
Rob Shields, University of Alberta, and Sérgio C. Benício de Mello,
Federal University of Pernambuco. The Magnetism of Xbox Live: The Allure
of the Magnetic City and Its Citizens
Nancy Bray, University of Alberta. The Garden of Forked Pasts: Internet
Genealogy as Cybertextual Storytelling
Sheila Nayar, Greensboro College. Primary Issues with Secondary Orality
Iryna Dovganyuk, University of Alberta. Television as Art in the Digital Age
1D. City as Classroom
TEL 219
Moderator: Gordon Gow (University of Alberta)
Lewis Freeman, Fordham University. The City as Children's Classroom:
What Children Have to Teach Us About Cities
Per-Olof Erixon, Umea University, and Johan Elmfeldt, Umea University.
School Writing in a Changing Media Ecology
Ana Patricia Oliveira, University of Aveiro, and Maria Conceição Lopes,
University of Aveiro. Scratch in Kindergarten: A Space and a Place of
Communicational, Ludic and Creative Intermediations
Session 2: 10:30 am - 11:45 am
2A. McLuhan the Man
TEL 236
Moderator: Rob Shields (University of Alberta)
Benjamin Robertson, Wheaton College. Marshall McLuhan: A Grammarian for
Our Age
William Buxton, Concordia University. The Neglect of Innis; the Rise of
McLuhan, 1949-1956
Huimin Jin, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Media as Relation and
Relation as Truth: A Comparative Study of McLuhan and Confucius
2B. Photography, Space, Time, and Punctum
TEL 238
Moderator: Almond Aguila (University of Alberta)
Eric Jenkins, University of Cincinnati. Another Punctum
Mickey Vallee, University of Alberta. The Machine in the Ghost:
Poststructural Aesthetics, Kinetic Sound Sculptures, and the Ontological
Relations of McLuhan's Theory of Extension/Amputation to Deleuze &
Guattari's "Body Without Organs"
2C. Mobile Technologies
TEL 217
Moderator: Yoni Van Den Eede (Free University of Brussels)
James Morrison, Babson College. The Progress of the Pod People:
Vehicular Multimedia Systems and the Brave New World of Exurbia
Peggy Jubien, University of Alberta. Phenomenology of Mobile
Technologies in Education
Dong-Hoo Lee, University of Incheon. Mobile Snapshots in the Age of
Tertiary Orality
Minhao Zeng, University of Alberta, Gold McEwen, University of Alberta,
and Christy Gustavison, University of Alberta. Locating McLuhan through
Geocaching: A Locative Media Experiment in Downtown Edmonton
2D. Media Literacy
TEL 219
Moderator: Angela Keller (University of Alberta)
Lance Strate Fordham University, and Lewis Freeman, Fordham University.
The Future of Children's Television Programming: A Study of How Emerging
Digital Technologies Can Facilitate Active and Engaged Participation and
Contribute to Media Literacy Education
Alex Kuskis, Gonzaga University. Marshall McLuhan as an Education Theorist
Norm Friesen, Thompson Rivers University, and Shannon Lowe, Thompson
Rivers University. The Lecture as Trans-Medial Pedagogical Form: An
Historical/Ecological Analysis
Dennis Cali, University of Texas at Tyler. Mapping McLuhan: How Media
Ecology is Taught in College Curricula
11:45 am - 1 pm Lunch (on your own)
Unveiling of The Wave, an art and media installation.
Session 3: 1 pm - 2:15 pm
3A. Media Ecology I
TEL 236
Moderator: Aura Quezada (Mount Royal University)
Nicole Maggio, University of Maine. McLuhan's Messenger: The Role of the
Artist in the Global Village
Gerrit Verstraete, Masterpiece Fine Art Studio. The Tetrad: A
Dialectical Model of Media Ecology Theory and Art, Design, and New Media
3B. Music and Listening Practices
TEL 217
Moderator: Ilona Cardinal (University of Alberta)
Phil Rose, York University. Radiohead and the Media Fallout of Ok Computer
Sheena Hyndman, York University. Making the Familiar Strange: Verve
Remixed, Media Ecology, and the Reshaping of Listening Practices
Armond Towns, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Keeping it
Mobile: Hip-Hop Spaces & Sneakers as Technology
Karen Brown, Dominican University, and Mary Pat Fallon, Dominican
University. Library as Place: New Media and New Designs for Creating
3C. Panel: Illusionary Freedom: False Promises of Cyberspace
TEL 150
Moderator: Nancy Bray (University of Alberta)
Anthony Wachs, Duquesne University, Brian Gilchrist, Duquesne
University, John Jasso, University of Pittsburgh, and Beth Michalec,
Duquesne University
3D. Panel: Phenomenology and the Project of Media Ecology
TEL 219
Moderator: Brian Cogan (Molloy College)
Ellen Rose, University of New Brunswick, Catherine Adams, University of
Alberta, Corey Anton, Grand Valley State University, and Stacey Irwin,
Millersville University
Session 4: 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
4A. Media Ecology II
TEL 236
Moderator: Sharmila Ferris (William Paterson University)
Regiane Miranda de Oliveira Nakagawa, Pontifícia Universidade Católica
de São Paulo. Communication Rhetoric Understood as Metalanguage
Kevin Garrison, Angelo State University. Ellul's Alternative Narrative
of Technology: Anticipating the Fourth Milieu of Virtuality
Yoni Van Den Eede, Free University of Brussels. Home Is Where the Brain
Wires: Technology, Fixity, and Adaptation
Stuart Mackay, Independent. Infoese
4B. Time & Space
TEL 238
Moderator: TBA
James Scott, Saint Louis University. Space on the Edge: Marshall
McLuhan's Marginalia and Annotations of Siegried Giedion, Erich
Gombrich, Julian Jaynes, and Walter Ong
Sang-Hee Kweon, Sungkyunkwan University, Kyung Ho Hwang, Sungkyunkwan
University, and Eun-Mi Kim, Sungkyunkwan University. Time and Space
Perception in Media Platform
4C. Surveillance and Seclusion
TEL 217
Moderator: Yuping Mao (University of Alberta)
Brent Strang, University of Alberta. A Red Dead Remedy for the
Emasculating Anxieties of Digital Seclusion
Darren Stevenson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Deploying
Biometric Imaging on the In-Store Customer: A Slippery Slope towards
Corporate Orwellianism
Mogens Olesen, University of Copenhagen. "Epi-genetic Media": Digital
Media as a Cultural Selection Mechanism
Jan Buterman, University of Alberta. All Your < Data > Base Belong to
Us: Identity & Recognition in an Online World
4D. Panel: "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" Reflections on Digital
Technology and Cognition
TEL 150
Moderator: Paul Soukup (Santa Clara University)
Ellen Rose, University of New Brunswick, Paul Grosswiler, University of
Maine, and Donna Flayhan, State University of New York at New Paltz
4 pm - 5:45 pm Highlands Walking Tour (including the McLuhan home),
preregistration required
6 pm - 7:30 pm Welcoming remarks. Plenary presentation: Robert Logan
(University of Toronto), "McLuhan Misunderstood: Setting the Record
7:45 pm - 9:30 pm Reception, cash bar, and hors d'oeuvres.
Official opening of Spaces&Places: VisioningMcLuhan at 100, Latitude 53
Gallery, 10248 - 106 Street
Friday, 24 June 2011
8:30 am - 4 pm Registration, Book Exhibit open until 4 pm.
Session 5, 9 am - 10:15 am
5A. Panel: The Man of Letters as Avant-Garde Artist: Marshall McLuhan
and Wilfred Watson in Search of Common Ground
TEL 150
Moderator: Yoni Van Den Eede (Free University of Brussels)
Paul Hjartarson, University of Alberta, Kristine Smitka, University of
Alberta, Gregory Betts, Brock University, Wayne DeFehr, University of
Alberta, and Paul Tiessen, Wilfred Laurier University
5B. Cityscapes and Sound
TEL 236
Moderator: Almond Aguila (University of Alberta)
Peter Zhang, Grande Valley State University. The Cityscape and
Sonicscape of Beijing: A McLuhanian Critique
Jason Wilson, 0009.org. Audio Perfume
Sonia Montano, University Unisinos, and Suzanne Kilpp, University
Unisinos. The Methodology of Frames and the Audio-Visual Ecology
Irene Machado, University of São Paulo. Acoustic Space and the Ecology
of Cultural Extensions
5C. Panel: Mobilizing the City as Classroom: Locative and Mobile Media
for Community Engagement
TEL 217
Moderator: Andre Lucena (University of Alberta)
Gordon Gow, University of Alberta, Daylin Breen, University of Alberta,
Angela Keller, University of Alberta, and Lisa Prins, University of Alberta
5D. Media Ecology and Media Literacy
TEL 219
Moderator: Ellen Rose (University of New Brunswick)
Vinicius Andrade Pereira, Rio de Janeiro State University. Communication
Technologies as Grammars: Medium, Content and Message in Marshall
McLuhan's Work
Sheldon Richmond, Independent. Can We Break the Monopolistic Tendency of
Helma Sawatzky, Simon Fraser University. Anemone Theory: An Exploration
of Digital Media as Phenomena
10:30 am - 11:45 am Plenary Panel Discussion: Elena Lamberti (University
of Bologna), Rob Shields (University of Alberta), and Douglas Barbour
(University of Alberta), "McLuhan and Artistic Vision in the Wireless City"
11:45 am - 1 pm Lunch (on your own)
1 pm - 2:15 pm Plenary presentation: Joshua Meyrowitz (University of New
Hampshire), "Media Ecology and the Future of Theory"
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm Break
Session 6: 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
6A. Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll.
TEL 236
Moderator: Peggy Jubien (University of Alberta)
Phil Rose, York University, and Ainsley Moore, McMaster University. The
Extended Pharmacist: Entering the Era of Remote Drug Dispensation and
Pharmaceutical Counselling
Niels van Doorn, Johns Hopkins University. The Intimate City: McLuhan's
Medium Theory and the Political Ecology of Sexual Citizenship
Read Schuchardt, Wheaton College. Was McLuhan's Biology The Medium That
Begot the Message?
6B. On the Binding Biases of Time
TEL 150
Moderator: Donna Flayhan (State University of New York at New Paltz)
Lance Strate, Fordham University.
Respondent: Corey Anton, Grand Valley State University
6C. New Medias
TEL 217
Moderator: Mary Beckie (University of Alberta)
Wade Nelson, University of Winnipeg. You(Tube)-surped: The Absorption of
the Old BMX Freestyle Cycling Media by the New
Almond Aguila, University of Alberta. Skype and the Global Filipino Family
Holland Wilde, Cultural Farming. Extensions of McLuhan, Media is the
Massage: An Inventory of Effects
6D. Panel: The Place of the Body in the Spaces of Technology
TEL 219
Moderator: Paul Soukup (Santa Clara University)
Paul Grosswiler, University of Maine, Steven Reagles, Bethany Lutheran
College, and Robert MacDougall, Curry College
4 pm - 5:45 pm Plenary presentation: Gary Gumpert (City University of
New York), "Repetitio ad infinitum: From Print to Scrawl"
5:45 pm - 6:30 pm Break
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Banquet, President's Address and MEA 2011 Awards
President's Address: Janet Sternberg (Fordham University), "Space,
Place, and the Media Ecology Association"
Venue: Westin Hotel. 10135 - 100 Street
9 pm - 11 pm Film happening, "Being In The World" and Q & A following
with Mark Wrathall (University of California, Riverside)
Venue: Art Gallery of Alberta, 2 Sir Winston Churchill Square NW
(Churchill LRT Station)
Saturday, 25 June 2011
8:30 am – noon Registration, Book Exhibit open until 4 pm (not open on
9 am – 3 pm Exhibition of City as Classroom: Deconstructing McLuhan, an
interactive art and learning installation
Session 7: 9 am - 10:15 am
7A. Panel: McLuhan in the Digital Age
TEL 150
Moderator: Sharmila Ferris (William Paterson University)
Octavio Islas, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Jorge Hidalgo, Universidad
Anahuac, Claudia Benassini, Razón y Palabra, and Fernando Gutiérrez,
Tecnológico de Monterrey
7B. The Urban Environment
TEL 236
Moderator: Martin Guardado (University of Alberta)
Alberto Carrera Portugal, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Global Cities and Global Media: The Urban Competitiveness Concept in
City Rankings. Shaping the Local Policies and Global Perceptions?
Yuping Mao, University of Alberta, and Claudia Hale, Ohio University. An
Examination of Chinese Employees Use of Technologies in Relation to
Intercultural Sensitivity, Organizational Conflict Management Styles,
and Organizational Satisfaction in China Branches of Multinational Companies
7C. Religion, Church and Pastoral Landscapes
TEL 217
Moderator: Rob Shields (University of Alberta)
Richard Osicki, Canadian Mennonite University. Is the Internet the New
Temple? McLuhan Looks at Religion Looks at McLuhan
Grace Chiou, University of Denver. The Visual and Material Culture of
the Urban Church: From Flanerie to Koinonia
Silvia Maria Guerra Molina, University of São Paulo, Mariana Piva-Silva,
University of São Paulo, Gabriel Henrique Lui, University of São Paulo,
and Ana Paula Branco do Nascimento, Ninth of July University.
Deagrarianisation: Dislocations of Technologies and Landscape Dislodgement
Nicole M Glenn, University of Alberta, Julian Forrest, University of
Alberta. We Can Live Our Misbehavior
7D. Heidegger on Resisting the Demands of Technology
TEL 219
Moderator: Catherine Adams (University of Alberta)
Mark Wrathall, University of California, Riverside
10:15 am - 10:30 am Break
10:30 am - 11:45 am Plenary presentation: Richard Cavell (University of
British Columbia), "Marshall McLuhan as Ec[h]o-Critic"
11:45 am - 1 pm Lunch
Session 8: 1 pm - 2:15 pm
8A. Global Village and Tribal Extensions
TEL 236
Moderator: Brian Cogan (Molloy College)
Gordon Titchener, Thompson Rivers University. The Design Is the
Destination: The Media Ecology of Contemporary Tourist Experience
Adriana Braga, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro.
Microcelebrity, the Medium, and the Message
Jonathan Slater, Plattsburgh State University of New York. Two Solitudes
in the Global Village
Marv Machura, NorQuest College. Tribal Extensions in New and Conflicting
Media Environments
8B. Sound and Place
TEL 238
Moderator: Aura Quezada (Mount Royal University)
Cezary Gajewski, University of Alberta. Physical Interactions: The
McLuhan Centenary Wave Installation
Andrew deWaard, University of British Columbia. Mise-en-Synergy and
Ellen Moffat, University of Saskatchewan. Unmediating the City: The
Soundwalk as Embodied Probe
Lewis Kaye, Wilfred Laurier University. Through the Vanishing Point:
Reanimating McLuhan Through Image, Sound, and Place
8C. Urban Studies
TEL 217
Moderator: Marco Adria (University of Alberta)
Mary Ann Allison, Hofstra University. Reintegrating the Virtual with the
Physical in Rome and New York
Greg Ott, Fontbonne University. City Stickers: The Euro Oval Decal and
Urban Renewal/Gentrification
8D. Dis/Orientations
TEL 219
Moderator: Minhao Zeng (University of Alberta)
Antonio Almeida, University of São Paulo. Symbolic Environment and Nature
Tom Bruneau, Radford University. Acoustic Space Revised: Holonomic and
Connectionist Brain Theories
2:15 pm - 2:30 pm Break
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm Plenary presentation: Mark Poster (University of
California, Irvine), "Theorizing Culture and Media: McLuhan and
Foucault". Plenary presentation has been made possible in part by
financial support from the Henry Marshall Tory Professor, University of
Alberta, Rob Shields
4 pm - 4:45 pm Reflection on the life and work of Christine Nystrom
5 pm - 6:45 pm An urban virtual happening, QRcodes and Geocaching in
downtown Edmonton, preregistration required. Meet in the Atrium,
Enterprise Square;
Double-feature film screening of McLuhan's Wake (2002) and the NBC
documentary The Medium is the Massage (1967), no registration required,
Enterprise Square.
7:30 pm - 10 pm Evening on your own in the Alberta capital! Dinner at La
Boheme in Highlands for those who wish to attend
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Session 9: 9 am - 10:15 am
9A. Old News, New News
TEL 236
Moderator: Sara van den Berg (Saint Louis University)
Andre Lucena, University of Alberta. The Print Newspaper in the
Information Age: An Analysis of Trends and Perspectives
Christine Tracy, Eastern Michigan University. Perception in the Newssphere
Matt Thomas, University of Iowa. Back to Paper, or: Everything Old Is
New Again
Zhiwei Yu, Peking University. The Consequence of Writing Systems on
Human Perception in China and the West
9B. Panel: The Role of the Artist in the Local Landscape: Examining
Marshall McLuhan and Sheila Watson's Relationship to Canadian Modernism
TEL 150
Moderator: Angela Keller (University of Alberta)
Paul Hjartarson, University of Alberta, Kristine Smitka, University of
Alberta, Elena Lamberti, University of Bologna, Linda Morra, Bishop
University, and Adam Hammond, University of Toronto
9C. GPS, Geocaching, and Locative Media
TEL 217
Moderator: Peggy Jubien (University of Alberta)
Minhao Zeng, University of Alberta. Examining Geocaching Practices
Through a Mobilities Lens
Marcelo Medeiros, Universidade Federal da Bahia. Locative Communication:
Place as a Medium?
Almond Aguila, University of Alberta, and Daylin Breen, University of
Alberta. Unlocking Perspective with 2D codes: The Hunt for Media
Literacy in the City
9D. Cities & the Politics of Space and Place
TEL 219
Moderator: Gordon Gow (University of Alberta)
Kellen Cristina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, and Debora Duran,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Rio de Janeiro, Wonderful City:
City as a Composite Technology, City as Classroom
Anna Christie Torres, University of the Philippines Baguio. The City of
Baguio and the Politics of Space
Geo Takach, University of Calgary. Space, Place, and the Face of Empire:
Lessons from Harold Innis on Alberta Tar Sands
10:15 am - 10:30 am Break
10:30 am - 12 noon MEA Business Meeting and Closing Remarks (all are
welcome and encouraged to attend)
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