[Air-L] Data visualization software

Jeff McCarthy jeff.mccarthy at mmu.ac.uk
Mon Jun 20 08:12:41 PDT 2011

Hi Aoirs

Can anyone recommend a user-friendly and preferably cloud-based data visualization software? As part of my PhD I'm capturing data mapping the social media terrain (so timeline, volume & the path this takes). From my own online searches, cloud-based appears the best way forward. Am willing to pay a license if open source is not as good.

Many thanks

Jeff McCarthy  MRes | PGDipM | BSc (Hons) | FCIM | FIDM | Chartered Marketer | CIM & IDM CPD Awards
Senior Lecturer - Digital Marketing
Marketing & Retail
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School
Aytoun Campus
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Tel: +44 (0)161 247 6751
Email: jeff.mccarthy at mmu.ac.uk<mailto:jeff.mccarthy at mmu.ac.uk>

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