[Air-L] disability and new media: results

Jonathan Sterne, Dr. jonathan.sterne at mcgill.ca
Tue Jun 28 07:41:50 PDT 2011

Hi All,

I got lots of replies, and I'm passing along a digest to the list in case others are interested.  Sorry for the poor editing (copy and paste from others' emails -- none of this is mine except #1) and thanks to everyone who wrote me.  Some people referred me to people rather than essays so that's why you're getting names.

1. First, I should have mentioned i already knew and liked Gerard Goggin's work, but he was suggests by lots of people.  His disability chapter with Christopher Newell in The Cell Phone REader is a standard teaching text for me (a similar version is a chapter in his own Cell Phone Culture), and he's also got a coauthored book with Newell.

2. Jutta Trevaranus
Director of the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) and professor at OCAD University in Toronto,


3. George H. Williams has done a lot of research and might be a useful contact.

You can see a project of his here: http://braillesc.org/about/

and a related post of his at the Chronicle's ProfHacker: http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/academic-resourcesuniversal-design/26497

You can contact him here: http://georgehwilliams.pbworks.com/w/page/14266798/FrontPage or via twitter: @georgeonline

4. Educause might be a central source

5. http://www.w3.org/WAI/

6. Ellis, K. and Kent, M. (2011)
Disability and New Media

7. Elizabeth Elicessor: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13691180903456546?journalCode=rics20

8. Kennedy, H., Thomas, S. and Evans, S. (2011) 'Can the web be accessible for people with intellectual disabilities?', The Information Society.

9. Stienstra, D. (2006) ‘The critical space between: access, inclusion and standards in information technologies’, Information, Communication and Society, 9(3): 335-354.

10. Stienstra, D., Watzke, J. and Birch, G.E. (2007) ‘A Three Way Dance: the global public good and accessibility in information technologies’, The Information Society, 23: 149.

11. Adam, A. and D. Kreps (2006)  ‘Enabling or disabling technologies? A critical approach to web accessibility’, Information Technology and People, 19(3): 203-218.

12. Helen Kennedy, "The Successful Self-Regulation of Web Designer": http://www.ephemeraweb.org/journal/10-3/10-3index.htm

I hope this helps others as it's helped me.  I don't know if I mentioned why I was asking, but I'm doing a senior-level undergrad seminar in the fall on Disability, Technology and Communication.  The syllabus will be posted on my website.  I'm taking a very broad view of both technology and communication, so new media are only part of the mix.



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