[Air-L] Ignite-IR 12.0, Call for Proposals

Alex Halavais alex at halavais.net
Sat May 14 15:36:26 PDT 2011

Call for Proposals: Ignite-IR, Internet Research 12.0, Seattle,
Washington, October 10-13, 2011

Given the theme this year, "Performance and Participation," it seemed
a particularly good time to introduce a new format of presentation to
the Internet Research conference. The "Ignite" presentation is a
structured, high-energy, short talk in which you share your passion
and creative ideas about internet research. If you are excited about a
new perspective, an issue, or a practice taking place on the internet,
this is the place to get others excited about it as well.

Like pecha-kucha, Ignite is formed around a formalism: you must create
a "deck" of 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. This
represents a radical departure from the traditional paper
presentation, and is focused on telling an enlightening story, making
an argument, and inciting an audience to come to your way of thinking
and action. Keep the logos, but add pathos: humor, wit, rhetorical
(and physical) stunts are encouraged. It's academic stand-up.

If you are one of the several dozen people that were in the
backchannel last year complaining about boring PowerPoint
presentations, here's where the rubber meets the road. Show us what
you can do!

The Ignite format of talks started in Seattle, but by now there are
thousands of people who have given them. Many of these can be found


You might also take a look at:


Some things to note:
* You may propose an Ignite-IR talk even if you already have a paper
accepted--it does not count against your presentation cap.
* While it can be related to a later research talk, it should not be a
"preview"--the Ignite-IR talk should stand on its own.
* The deadline for your proposal is midnight, July 31.
* If your proposal is accepted, your deck of 20 slides is due no later
than September 15.

Are you ready to go beyond talking about performance and perform‽ Are
you ready to share the passion and excitement of Internet Research‽
Then propose a five-minute Ignite Talk!

Go here to fill out a proposal:


Please share widely!

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