[Air-L] Web Sciences Master Open Seminar program for the Open Day (May 5th)

Antoine Mazières mazieres at gmx.com
Wed May 4 01:12:21 PDT 2011

Hi all,

For the third year, we are opening applications for the Master degree in 
Web Sciences in Paris. The main purpose of this cursus is to allow 
students from the fields of sciences, design, humanities and art to 
perform interdisciplinary studies/researches on the Web and Internet, 
from academics, public and private contexts.

All of you are welcome at the open day: May 5th, 5:30pm, at the Center 
of Interdisciplinary Research

Their will be an open seminar where your presentation are welcome. So 
far the program can be found here : 

This master degree, “Interdisciplinary Approaches of the Web” (in french 
“Approches Interdisciplinaires du Web”, AIW) was built in order to 
understand how Internet transfrom more and more aspects of our 
societies, and how to participate to this evolution by building an 
interdisciplinary point of view. We aim at building a teaching around 
topics as the modelisation of Internet, interfaces design, services 
economy, usage sociology, information spreading, e-education.
AIW Master, like all courses at CRI, are built on the principle of 
“formation by doing research”. Students from very different disciplines 
are encouraged to work together and build projects both theoretical and 
with concrete outputs.
In order to give means to its student to realize projects, AIW is in 
deep relation with Fabelier's prototyping lab ( http://fabelier.org ), 
hosted at the same place.

If you are a M2 student, you can follow tuesday's seminars 
(5:30pm-7:30pm) and get 12 university credits (ECTS).
If you want to be full-time AIW student, you have to follow the 
tuesday's seminars and do 3 interships form different disciplines 
(humanities/sciences/engineering/art) and contexts 
(research/industry/association/personnal projects).
If you just want to come by... you can !

Agenda of the May 5th:
- meeting teachers and former students
- open seminar (your presentations are welcomed )
- Q&A session
- inscriptions
- presentation of student club

See you there,

Antoine Mazières

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