[Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 82, Issue 34

Denice Szafran szafran at geneseo.edu
Mon May 30 15:03:38 PDT 2011

Hi Denise -

Charles Tilly's 1997/Micro/, /Macro, or Megrim/?  may be a prior layered 
theory.  It's published in 2002's /Stories, Identities, and Political 
Change /by Rowman and Littlefield.

If I've jumped in without knowing the whole conversation (new to the 
list, waving hi!) I apologize. Won't be the first time that's happened :)

Denice Szafran

On 5/30/2011 6:00 PM, air-l-request at listserv.aoir.org wrote:
> I wanted to share a rare event: answering my own question!  It turns out
> that Nick Jankowsi and Martine van Selm have written on the micro, mezzo,
> and macro levels as stages in the 'reserach enterprise' pp. 200-201 in
> Christine Hine's excellent collection:
> Hine, C., Ed. (2005). Virtual methods: Issues in social research on the
> Internet. Oxford, Berg Publishers.
> I do have a further question if Nick and/or Martine are reading this list:
> these stages of analysis further cite Jankowski (1999).
> I am happy to give citation to them throughout, but I am still wondering if
> this layered type of analysis comes from a yet-unnamed theorist of whom I
> should be intimately aware, but am currently unacquainted!
> Cheers, Denise

Denice Szafran
Visiting Lecturer in Anthropology
Sturges 13F, SUNY Geneseo, 1 College Circle, Geneseo, NY 14454
szafran at geneseo.edu

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