[Air-L] PhD course - Researching Mobile and Locative Media: Methods and Ethics - Media Studies, Aarhus

Charles Ess charles.ess at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 02:56:51 PST 2011

Dear colleagues,
With apologies for cross-postings and duplications: please distribute to
interested Ph.D. Students.

On behalf of our instructors and organizers, we are pleased to invite
applications to a Ph.D. course in the Media Studies Department, Aarhus
University: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Researching Mobile and Locative Media: Methods and Ethics

Instructors and organizers:
Rich Ling, IT-University Copenhagen,
Jonas Larsen, Roskilde University.
Charles Ess, Aarhus University   
Anne Marit Waade, Aarhus University   
Sarah Schorr, Ph.D. Fellow, Aarhus University   

We invite Ph.D. students who deal with mobile media as a cultural, spatial
and social phenomenon to participate in a Ph.D. course at Aarhus University.
In this course, we will emphasize the methodological approaches, as well as
the ethical questions that surround the empirical study of mobile and
locative media. For example, the use of mobile methods is one way to study
mobile media, whereas mobility and conversation analyses offer another
approach for researching mobile media. Furthermore, mobile media might even
be used as a method and tool to study specific cultural and social
phenomenon. The methods reflect and inform the basic research questions,
particularly in the context of design, aesthetics, communication, sociality
or media use. 

As technologies such as smart phones, tablets, digital cameras and GPS
receivers enable the facile registration of location in research settings,
which methods effectively investigate the potential of this component of
mobility? As our physical location becomes a research element, the rest of
our exploration must consider this loaded variable. The methodological
challenges also include some ethical considerations on how far and in which
ways we can intervene in people¹s private and everyday lives. This course
encourages Ph.D. students to contemplate these connections, implications,
and questions in the context of their Ph.D. project.


11.00 ­ 11:15: Introduction: Mobile media, methods and ethics.
11:15 - 12:45 Presentations by the teachers:
Rich Ling: Researching mobile communication
Jonas Larsen: Mobile methods and the visual
12:45 -1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 3:00: Ph.D. presentations and feedback
3.00 ­ 3.30: Break
3.30 ­ 4.30: Ph.D. presentations and feedback
4.30 ­ 5:00: Break
5 :00­ 6:00: Ph.D. presentations and feedback
7 pm Dinner for the workshop keynotes & organizers

Related research workshop 29 ­ 30 March 2012
All participants in the Ph.D.-course are welcome to take part in the 2-day
research workshop on Mobile communication - Mobility, Place and Locative
media that take place in Aarhus the following days. We have invited
international guests for the workshop, Naomi Baron, US, Leopoldina
Fortunati, Italy and Rich Ling, DK. There is a separate registration for the
workshop. For more information about the workshop, please contact Charles
Ess, Anne Marit Waade or Sarah Schorr at Media Studies, Aarhus University,
e-mail: imvsgs at hum.au.dk.

Ph.D. Project Abstract Submission (250 words max): January 15, 2012.
Describe your methodological and ethical approaches and questions, and how
it is related to your research question. Successful applicants will be
notified by Feb 1, 2012.

Registration for the Ph.D.-course:
Send your abstract to Sarah Shorr: e-mail: imvsgs at hum.au.dk. If you want to
take part in the research workshop as well, please tell us when you

Preparation and participation for the Ph.D.-course:
-Reading (TBA)
-5-page paper outlining your research due March 1, 2012
-10-minute presentation of your research

Meals, travel and accommodation is on the participant¹s own expense.
Credit:  2 ECTS points
Language:  English
Venue: Aarhus University, Media Studies, Faculty of Arts (meeting room TBA)

Many thanks in advance,
Charles Ess
Institut for Informations- og Medievidenskab
Helsingforsgade 14
8200 Århus N.
mail: <imvce at hum.au.dk>
tel: (+45) 8942 9250

Professor, Philosophy and Religion
Drury University, Springfield, Missouri 65802 USA

Exemplary persons seek harmony, not sameness. -- Analects 13.23


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