[Air-L] ICA blogging panel

Alice Marwick amarwick at microsoft.com
Tue Oct 4 08:47:13 PDT 2011

Hi there,

Laura Noren (NYU Sociology) & I are putting a panel together for next year's ICA on blogging. Laura has been studying food bloggers, and I am working on a project on fashion bloggers. Both studies have a strong emphasis on gender.  We'd like to get other panelists who are focusing on aspects of gender and blogging, or blogging that is not political/news blogging.

If you're interested in being a panelist drop me a line. Panel proposals are due 11/1. Panelists have to commit to registering for the conference; there is some travel support for grad students.


Alice E. Marwick, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Microsoft Research New England
Desk: 857.453.6330
Cell: 206.650.9109
amarwick at microsoft.com

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