[Air-L] IPSA call for paper - Technology and Higher Education: The Role of the Internet

Monica Zuccarini zuccarini at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 15:36:24 PDT 2011

Dear colleagues,
we invite you to submit your paper proposals to our panel "Technology and Higher Education: The Role of the Internet"  (RC11: Science and Politics http://www.ipsa.org/my-ipsa/events/madrid2012/panel/technology-and-higher-education-role-internet) for the International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress.
Chair:  Mauro Calise (University of Naples Federico II, IPSA Portal Editor)
Discussants:  Michael Brintnall  (APSA Executive Director)

The modern information and communication technologies promise to improve the quality, flexibility and effectiveness of higher education. Students are more and more computer and IT literate and, for their part, universities are realizing that the new technologies are one of the most important springboards for innovation.
The introduction of new technologies into teaching is progressing along similar lines to those seen in other fields some years before. One example is that of libraries and the way they organize the output of the knowledge industry. The progressive integration of new multi-media technologies with teaching methodologies is creating an environment of virtual knowledge-sharing through the interconnection of learning and teaching spaces.
Following these considerations, this panel looks into the new methodologies and new tools used to study and research online, it investigates how computers and the Web can be used to improve student learning and skills development, how the Internet can enhance traditional teaching and learning methods, how scientists design and implement the innovations, looks at experiences and innovative projects in the universities, and more generally at the cutting-edge approaches and techniques that can be applied in social sciences.
Case studies, applications of new methodologies and tools are welcome.
NEW DEADLINE for paper proposals:  17 October 2011
Please use the IPSA internet in order to submit your paper proposals: http://www.ipsa.org/events/congress/madrid2012/submit-abstractpaper-proposal
Anyone can submit an abstract.  You do not need to be a member of IPSA in order to submit your abstract.
In case you have problems, you could contact directly the Convenor (Monica Zuccarini:  zuccarini at gmail.com)
Apologies for cross-posting

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