[Air-L] IR12: Update #2 before the conference starts

Karine Nahon karineb at uw.edu
Sun Oct 9 21:21:27 PDT 2011

Hello AoIRers!

Just before you hop on a plane to Seattle, here are some additional things to take into consideration:

I tried myself the Link Light Rail from SEATAC airport and one should note two things: the trip to the hotel takes longer (between 45-60 mins. as opposed to 25 mins. by taxi). Another warning - the way from the "University St." to the hotel is 4 blocks up a very-very steep hill. It is a difficult walk with suitcases.

Our breakfasts are served in the courtyard foyer. On Tuesday we will have our breakfast from 7:00 am until 9:00 am.

I got several inquiries about this, so let's repeat it. Yes, we have free Internet in the hotel rooms. You will need to sign-up, and once you check-out from the hotel, this service will be comped.

We still have tickets for the Banquet available. You can purchase them when you are register, if you haven't done so until now.

The full program with and without abstracts is available to download at http://ir12.aoir.org/schedule.

We will post changes to lectures on a bulletin board in the courtyard foyer. Be sure to check it before you enter into a session. Also, feel free to use this board for posting notes to your colleagues.

We will be taking pictures in AOIR. However, we are relying on each one of you to take additional pictures and share. If you have a flickr, facebook or any other url,  you would like to share, please send it to me. We will be showing pictures during the conference in the courtyard foyer.

Our hash tag for the conference is #ir12. We will be showing a live the feed of Tweeter with the #ir12. So tweet, tweet a lot, and don't forget to add the #ir12 hash tag.
Bloggers, if you are interested, send me the links to your posts and we will share them with the rest of the community.

See you all soon,

Karine Nahon -  http://eKarine.org<http://ekarine.org/>
Associate Professor
The Information School,
The retroV (Virality of Information) Group - http://retroV.org<http://retrov.org/>
University of Washington
Twitter - http://twitter.com/karineb
Office tel. - (206) 685-6668

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