[Air-L] Call for Nominees: Donald McGannon Award for Social and Ethical Relevance in Communications Policy Research

PHILIP M NAPOLI pnapoli at fordham.edu
Tue Oct 11 12:15:51 PDT 2011

   Call for Nominees
   Donald McGannon Award for Social and Ethical Relevance in
   Communications Policy Research

   The Donald McGannon Communication Research Center at Fordham University
   announces its 2011 Donald McGannon Award for Social and Ethical
   Relevance in Communications Policy Research.  Nominees should be
   book-length research published in 2011 that addresses or informs issues
   of communications policy. Authors of the winning book will be awarded
   Nominations should consist of a cover letter briefly summarizing the
   book's research focus and findings, along with four copies of the book.
   Self-nominations are welcome.  Edited volumes are not eligible for
   Deadline for consideration is January 15th, 2012.  Send nominations to:
   McGannon Book Award
   Donald McGannon Communication Research Center
   Faculty Memorial Hall, 4th Floor
   Fordham University
   Bronx, NY 10458

   Please direct any questions about the award to [1]mcgctr at fordham.edu.


   1. mailto:mcgctr at fordham.edu

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