[Air-L] scraping google discussion groups?

Deen Freelon dfreelon at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 11:28:02 PDT 2011

One option would be to save the pages either manually or using a crawler 
and then scrape the data out locally. It's more annoying than going 
directly from online to database, but it's still better than the 
alternative. ~DEEN

On 10/5/11 2:24 PM, Andrew Schrock wrote:
> Has anybody successfully scraped a Google discussion group? I found a script online, but it's thrown off by the fact you now have to login to view any groups.
> Google is getting squirrely about spammers scraping their data, so it may be a big roadblock. I'm looking at authorization with the Google PHP lib, but I'm not sure it will get me to groups, it all seems app-focused (so if you want to add items to a Google calendar for instance).
> Much appreciate any ideas that don't involve me adding 6000-some message to my analysis software by hand :/
> best
> Andrew
> Andrew Schrock
> USC Annenberg Doctoral Student
> aschrock at usc.edu
> 714.330.6545
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Deen Freelon
Acting Assistant Professor
American University School of Communication
dfreelon at gmail.com

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