[Air-L] How to record online video interviews (audio and video)?

Janet Salmons, Ph.D. jesalmons at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 15:52:17 PDT 2011


Thanks for the shout out for Online Interviews in Real Time ;-)

You mentioned Adobe Connect as one of your options. Connect has recording
capability built in. It allows you to view the recording in Connect or to
save the recording in other formats.

>From my view, the fewer kinds of software etc.you use, the fewer
opportunities for something to go wrong-- so using Connect presents less
risk than Skype with another service for recording. You'll have less to
worry about when you want to focus on the interview itself.

If you have a conference call service you can enter it into your "audio
profile" in Connect and use the phone for audio, or you can use VOIP.

Connect also allows you (or the research participants) to share other
documents, images or digital artifacts. If you are not using those tools you
can just use the camera pods in the size you like.

All of that said, you can find a number of free Skype recording tools, such
as Vodburner.

I'd be happy to communicate with you off-list if you have more questions:

Best regards,

> From: Karin Bolld?n <karin at bollden.se>
> Dear all
> I've been a lurker on this list for a while now, but now it's time to come
> forth :) My name is Karin Bolld?n and I am a doctoral student in
> Educational
> Research at the Department of Studies in Adult, Popular and Higher
> Education, Link?ping university, Sweden. My research interests concerns ICT
> and learning in general, and specifically teaching and learning in online
> environments.
> I am going to do synchronous online inteviews, probably through Skype or
> Adobe Connect and am looking for ways of recording both my and
> my interviewee's voices and outputs from webcams. I guess Camtasia could be
> a solution, but there seem to be some issues in capturing both my and my
> interviewee's audio sources. I've been browsing Janet Salmons book entitled
> 'Online inteviews in real time' (2010) but am still lacking hands on
> advice.
> Does anyone here have hands on experience on this issue and/or reading
> suggestions concerning the method?
> I will appreciate anything you have in mind on this!
> Best wishes
> Karin
> ---
> *Karin Bolld?n*
> PhD Student in Adult Learning
> Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning
> Link?ping University
> S-581 83 Link?ping, Sweden
> E-mail: karin.bollden at liu.se
> Phone: +46 (0)13 282108
> www.karinbollden.se
> *Janet Salmons Ph.D.*
*Capella University School of Business and Technology and Vision2Lead, Inc.
*Site- http://www.vision2lead.com
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