[Air-L] Digital Divide

Peter Chow-White petercw at sfu.ca
Sun Oct 16 21:25:07 PDT 2011

Hi Katy and AOIR folks,

Lisa Nakamura and I have a book just published called Race After The Internet that develops the concept of the digital divide. We're fortunate to have some excellent authors who've frequented AOIR gatherings. TOC below:


Introduction—Race and Digital Technology: Code, the Color Line, and the Information Society	 LISA NAKAMURA AND PETER A. CHOW-WHITE

Part I The History of Race and Information: Code, Policies, Identities	
1	U.S. Operating Systems at Mid-Century: The Intertwining of Race and UNIX	 TARA MCPHERSON
2	Race and/as Technology, or How to Do Things to Race	 WENDY HUI KYONG CHUN
3	From Black Inventors to One Laptop Per Child: Exporting a Racial Politics of Technology	 RAYVON FOUCHÉ
4	Cesar Chavez, the United Farm Workers, and the History of Star Wars	CURTIS MAREZ

Part II Race, Identity, and Digital Sorting	
5	Does the Whatever Speak?	 ALEXANDER R. GALLOWAY
6	Matrix Multiplication and the Digital Divide	 OSCAR H. GANDY, JR
7	Have We Become Postracial Yet? Race and Media Technology in the Age of President Obama	 ANNA EVERETT
8	Connection at Ewiiaapaayp Mountain: Indigenous Internet Infrastructure	 CHRISTIAN SANDVIG

Part III Digital Segregations	
9	White Flight in Networked Publics: How Race and Class Shaped American Teen Engagement with MySpace and Facebook	 DANAH BOYD
10	Open Doors, Closed Spaces? Differentiated Adoption of Social Network Sites by User Background	 ESZTER HARGITTAI
11	New Voices on the Net? The Digital Journalism Divide and the Costs of Network Exclusion	 ERNEST J. WILSON III AND SASHA COSTANZA-CHOCK

Part IV Biotechnology and Race as Information	
12	Roots and Revelation: Genetic Ancestry Testing and the YouTube Generation	 ALONDRA NELSON AND JEONG WON HWANG
13	Genomic Databases and an Emerging Digital Divide in Biotechnology	 PETER A. CHOW-WHITE
14	The Combustible Intersection: Genomics, Forensics, and Race	 TROY DUSTER

Peter Chow-White, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Communication
Simon Fraser University
Vancouver, Canada
petercw at sfu.ca

----- Original Message -----
From: "Katy Pearce ucsb" <kpearce at umail.ucsb.edu>
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 3:51:09 PM
Subject: [Air-L] Digital Divide

Hi all.

Hope that you've all gotten back home safely!

I'm going to be teaching an MA-level course on Digital
Divide/Inequality next term.

Anyone taught this sort of course before and willing to send me a
syllabus? I'd appreciate it. And of course I'd be happy to compile
some things and send them back to you.

Katy Pearce
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